*Warning* Some people may find this chapter distressing, I apologise in advance.
"Raj?" I call walking into the bedroom noticing a halo of light emitting from the frame to the ensuite. I walk purposefully over to the door and push the handle down trying to enter the bathroom but finding the door locked.
"I'm busy," he calls back through the door as I hear something tinkle in the ceramic sink. The first thing that runs through my head is maybe he has been injured, shot!
"Raj?" I call again resting my right ear against the wooden door trying to listen to any movements I can possible hear.
"Yes?" I fall forward as the door is suddenly pulled open, falling right onto Raj's bare chest. I look up awkwardly as I feel his muscular arms around me holding me up. He chuckles at me a broad grin spreading over his lips. I feel my cheeks blushing at being caught trying to 'eavesdrop' on Raj.
"Kya hua?" I awkwardly laugh off the fact I was listening through the door gently pushing myself off Raj's chest.
"Nothing I was just shaving," Raj gestures behind him to the sink where the water is whirling down the sink and a wet razor is on the side. I smile to myself.
"So you haven't forgotten?" I pull my lips into a lopsided grin as Raj's face goes from happy, to confused, to expressionless. My smile doesn't falter though, I don't want Raj to know I'm disappointed by his lack of memory.
"Forgotten what?" Raj asks shyly, removing his hands from my waist using his left hand to rub the back of his neck. I try to suppress a giggle but it ends up slipping through my lips. This isn't a friendly giggle, this is a giggle which is out of pure frustration!
"You said you'd take me on a date this evening," I try to trigger some form of recollection to the promise he made. Ever since he 'made up' with Jas Raj has been spending less and less time with me. The business side of his life isn't suffering though, he can still manage to go out and get a few deals followed by showing threatening behaviour to other gang members but spend an hour with me? No he is never free anymore. I like the fact that he no longer seems to be weighed down by the burden of feeling guilty over what happened to his sister but to spend so much time with her? It's everyday. I sometimes feel like Jas is more Raj's girlfriend than me.
"Oh schmoopie I'm so sorry," Raj sighs scrunching his eyes. I want to scream at him right now. This is the first time in weeks that we have actually arranged to do something together and he is blowing me off!
"Why Raj? Why do you always have to see Jas? Am I not good enough anymore?" I yell turning and walking into the hallway. I storm to the kitchen where a few of the 'gang' are milling around eating leftovers and chatting with the TV on in the background.
"Leyla c'mon," Raj shouts and I can hear his footsteps behind me padding along the wooden floorboards. I yank a cupboard open pulling a glass from the shelf before slamming the door shut, the glasses tinkling inside from the force.
"Don't!" I warn gripping the glass so hard that my knuckles turn white with the effort. From the corner of my eye I can see the guys shooting us sideways glances, it's like they have a sixth sense to know when drama is about to unfold.
"It's one evening Leyla, just one evening... I promise we can do something tomorrow night?" Raj tries to reach a compromise but I'm just so angry right now. It's never just 'one' anything. It's always six hours here, four hours there, a whole day whenever. I turn sharply on the floor raising my hand over my head before aiming the glass in Raj's direction. I push my hand forward releasing the glass before watching it spiral across the room smashing against the cupboard to the right of Raj, who flinches as shards of glass rain down on the worktop and floor.

RomanceLeyla is kidnapped by Raj, a leader of a notorious gang, who wants information on a man Leyla 'knows'... But Leyla insists she knows nothing. When circumstances change things become complicated. How can Leyla and Raj cope with these certain changes?