"You lied to me!" Leyla screams pushing me away from her hurting not only my shoulders but my heart. I stare at her confused and upset. I have literally been sat at home waiting to hear any news on her whereabouts, waiting to find out whether she is okay, whether she is coming home, whether she still loves me and here she is shouting at me and pushing me away.
"I lied to you?" I mumble trying to comprehend exactly what she is on about. I have never lied to Leyla, ignore the truth yes but lied no.
"You killed them!" She shouts exasperated throwing her hands in the air. Now I'm really confused.
"I killed who?" I question taking a step towards Leyla holding my arms out ready to envelope her in a hug. She turns her head to look at me. Rage is ablaze in her eyes. She steps towards me and I expect her to envelope me in her arms and let me hold her. Instead she just raises her hands which are balled in fists before pounding them onto my chest each blow getting harder with her fury.
"You're a liar!" She screams furiously before falling backwards into a wall. I stare at her feeling pain shooting across my chest from my heart slowly breaking. I hate being called a liar, I never lie. I just don't understand why she thinks I've lied to her. I don't know what she thinks I've lied about.
"Leyla?" I whisper as she slowly slides down the wall into a heap at the bottom, pulling her knees to her chest to create a barricade between us. I kneel down next to her placing my hand on her knee but she just brushes it off as the tears start falling down her cheeks.
"You're such a fucking liar," she barely breathes all anger being knocked out of her by a sudden wave of sadness. Just hearing that word again makes me start to fume, my anger slowly bubbling inside of me.
"What? What have I lied about?!" I suddenly shout taking both myself and Leyla by surprise. It's like the sudden lapse in her fury is brought back by my outburst, which I immediately regret.
"You killed his fiancé! You killed my half-brother's fiancé and you used the fact that I am related to him to blame me for what he supposedly did to your sister! You made me feel like shit all because you said he was my full brother and that's not even the truth! He's my half-brother and you killed his fiancé for no reason!" She screams pushing me away so I awkwardly fall to the floor on my elbow. I continue to stare at her as I slowly push myself off the floor and stand. Even though she is curled into a ball on the floor she still looks formidable. I just have no idea what she is talking about. I want to help her, explain to her that I don't know what she's talking about but she just looks so angry and irrational right now.
"You're just a fucking liar," she yells again adding, "who probably lied about loving me." That's the final straw for me. I truly love Leyla like I've never loved anyone in my whole entire life so the fact she thinks I'm lying not only about her brother and about supposedly killing his fiancé but about loving her... It kills me on the inside but I've been taught to be strong. I don't have the capacity to be upset, it just turns into rage and anger which needs to be released but I can't release it onto Leyla, I love her and don't want to harm her!
"I'm not a liar!" I shout before turning and storming down the hallway barging into Rahul who is walking through the front door. I grab him by his upper arm dragging him back through the doorway and down the steps to his car which he has parked outside.
"Take me to where you found her," I hiss in his ear as he obliges pulling his car key from his pocket and buzzing his car open. I'm going to find that son-of-a-bitch and make him pay for spreading lies to my girlfriend!Leyla
"Keep walking," a voice growls in my ear as I feel someone grab my arm and twist it behind my back. He presses his chest against my back concealing the fact he is forcing me to keep walking by digging his fingers into my forearm and lifting it up my back. I fight the urge to yelp from the pain and do as the voice says. I had been so oblivious to everything around me. I had just been walking aimlessly thinking about Raj and everything he had said, the way he called out after me as I ran, the way I just needed to be alone. I had let the tears spill from my eyes and I didn't care about the sideward glances I was receiving or the concerned words people kept throwing my way. I wanted to be alone so I was going to be alone.

RomanceLeyla is kidnapped by Raj, a leader of a notorious gang, who wants information on a man Leyla 'knows'... But Leyla insists she knows nothing. When circumstances change things become complicated. How can Leyla and Raj cope with these certain changes?