Unexpected Meeting

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Raj thinks I haven't seen the price tags on all these pieces of clothing he has convinced me to try on. One thousand pound for a shirt! I mean I'm fine with just a six pound one from some crappy shop at the market but no Raj wanted to 'treat me' to some new clothes seen as I've been wearing mostly his clothes. I think what finally made him realise I needed some new clothes was when I spilt nail polish on his favourite pair of tracksuit pants, even though he now insists he loves them more with the baby blue patch of polish on the left thigh because it reminds him of me. I throw on a pair of nine hundred and fifty pound jeans, a three-hundred-pound top and a six-hundred-pound oversized cardigan before pulling back the curtains seeing Raj sitting, waiting for me. He smiles immediately when his eyes rest on me. It is pure love. You can see it is pure love from his eyes and I just love him so much, but I can't let him pay this much money for one outfit!

"Waah, you look gorgeous schmoopie," Raj grins standing up from the plush sofa and walking over to me. I love it when he calls me schmoopie! He had adopted it for me after watching a TV show with it in. It means a girl who is very fond of affection and, well, Raj and I are practically inseparable unless he has 'work' to do. He traces his hands over my stomach tickling me, making me tense slightly before I tug on my bottom lip. I try to bat him away but in the end, I let his eyes trace over my body.

"You have to get this outfit you look amazing," he whispers using his fingers to test the material of the cardigan by running his fingers down the opening. I shake my head remembering the price. I can't let him spend over one thousand eight hundred pound on me!

"Nahin bubs," I murmur feeling Raj place his hand on my waist underneath the cardigan bringing his body close to mine. Since his group have accepted me and my home cooking skills it's been great. Raj is so much happier and Rahul apologised for being a dick about me, which I appreciated. I feel like everyone's little sister; they are always wanting to do things for me even if it's the most menial of jobs like hanging the washing out. They must think I'm a fragile Barbie!

"Kyon?" Raj moans pulling his lips into a frown. I try weakly to push him off me wanting nothing more than to kiss him and feel his hands on my body right here in the middle of this shop.

"Because..." I feel the breath get knocked out of me as Raj places his lips under my ear slowly nipping the skin causing my whole body to tense with the pleasure rushing through me. He pushes me backwards towards the changing room before closing the curtain with one hand shutting out the world around us, right now it's just me and him in this moment. I feel a moan rising in my throat as he sucks on my skin wanting to leave a mark, but I can't let out the sound here else people will judge us.

"Am I not doing it right?" Raj whines pulling back looking at his work. I close my eyes slowly opening my mouth to speak but end up just letting out the moan I had so wanted to contain.

"Raj?" I mumble as he kisses my neck again tracing his lips along my jawline towards my lips.

"Hmm?" he hums concentrating on working his lips on my skin. He is such an expert at this. Whenever we get a minute alone Raj know exactly what to do to bring me maximum pleasure. He knows where to kiss, how long to kiss for, when to kiss. I can tell he wants more than just a make-out session in this changing room but I'm not comfortable with the thought of doing anything in a public place and I'm also scared. I know Raj isn't a virgin but I am, which means I'm inexperienced. What happens if I do something wrong and embarrass myself? I just don't want to disappoint Raj and want our first time of doing anything together whether it's exploring each other's bodies further than just each other's mouths or full blown sex to be as romantic as possible. I love Raj, not just his body. I'm not with him for a quickie and I know he's not with me for my body. He makes that clear by not sleeping in the same bed as me, but for some reason his kiss today is different. He pulls back when I don't answer his hum and I can see in his eyes all the love he thought he had discarded. That love I'm convinced was kept for me like his heart knew that one day we would meet and he would fall for me.

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