Reluctantly Revealed

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I stood up and brushed a few leaves out of my hair. It was now morning, and I had camped in the wooded area near the path leading out of Rivendell.

Knowing Thorin wouldn't last too long in a elven territory, I waited patiently for any signs of life.

An hour later I heard the sound of voices coming my way. Ducking behind a tree, I poked my head out and watched the company trod along.

"Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths- lead on." Thorin stated.

"Aye." Balin replied.

I saw Bilbo look back at Rivendell, longing filling his eyes.

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up." Thorin grumbled.

Once they had passed my hiding place, I stood up and gathered my belongings. "Wonder where Gandalf is." I muttered, unsheathing my sword.

I had eventually decided on a name for my weapon- Baratinu. It was made up of two elvish words. The first, bara, meant fiery. Tinu meant spark. I figured it was appropriate. Taking a deep breath, I went on my way to the Misty Mountains.

The dwarves traveled over much terrain, whether it was mountains or open fields. I made sure to stay a good distance behind them; the last thing I wanted to do was to reveal myself.

A day or so later I had entered quite a predicament. While following the dwarves, I gotten stuck in a fierce storm on the greatest of landscapes- a slippery, narrow path on the side of a cliff.

I heard Thorin yell something, but it was muffled due to the sound of the wind. Suddenly I spotted a massive boulder being thrown our way.

Bracing myself against the edge of the cliff, I hear several cries coming from the dwarves. Through all the fog, my eyes made out the figure of a- wait, it cannot be!

The stone giant roared while another appeared from behind the cliff. As the ground shook violently, a large rock tumbled down right next to my side.

I screamed as I lost my footing on the narrow path. Before I knew it I was falling down the deep chasm, yelling hysterically like a quenched babe.

Kyja, get a hold of yourself! Never appear weak, even in times of trouble. I closed my eyes and prepared for the cold, hard impact of the ground.

Instead I was greeted with a scratchy, bendable texture. I opened my eyes and discovered I had fallen into a large net. I sighed in relief before I realized something.

Nets are only used for one purpose- capture. I froze, knowing that I was in a trap and that any sudden movement could trigger death.

Feeling a sharp pain in my neck, I reached back and felt a dart protruding from my skin. Oh, this is just splendid. I pulled it out and cringed.

A few moments later my eyelids began to droop. No, there is no way that I will let some simple poison take my-

And then there was darkness.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" The Great Goblin sneered. I stood to the side of his throne, with three other goblins surrounding me.

The thirteen dwarves stood before the creature, and eventually each of their gazes met mine. I dropped my head solemnly and noticed my arrow wound was bleeding once more.

All of the dwarves' weapons were in a pile in front of the goblin king, and Baratinu was on top.

"Dwarves and a girl, your Malevolence." A smaller goblin squeaked.

"Dwarves?" The Great Goblin asked.

"We found them on the front porch. As for the girl, she fell into one of the nets."

"Well, just don't stand there, search them! Every crack, every crevice!"

The goblins screeched, searching the dwarves for whatever they could find. The creatures near me attempted to search me, but I simply slit their throats with my "gloves."

"What are you doing in these parts? Speak!" The Great Goblin demanded. None of the dwarves responded.

"Well then, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the Bone Breaker! Start with the youngest." He pointed at Ori, and my heart stopped. No, not Ori!

"If you dare lay a finger on him or any of the others, I will not hesitate to kill you!" I snarled. The great goblin turned to face me.

"And what would you do? You're just a-" he stopped, noticing the three dead goblins laying at my feet.

"The name is Kyja, daughter of Beorn the skin-changer." I bared my teeth and growled. "Nice to meet you." Ori looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Wait." Thorin said. He stepped up to the front of the group, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain, son of Thror; King under the Mountain." The Great Goblin laughed as he bowed exaggeratedly. "Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king. Which makes you nobody, really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg."

My mouth dropped. There was no way he could still be alive. I glanced at Thorin, and he seemed to be having the same reaction.

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." He insisted.

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you?"

The Great Goblin snickered before turning to a small goblin in a basket. "Send word to the Pale Orc; tell him I have found his prize."

The creature cackled as he wrote down the message on the slate. Pulling a lever, he slipped down into the darkness using a set of several different pulleys and ropes.

"As for you, I believe the Pale Orc took something of yours." The Great Goblin muttered, directing his gaze towards mine. "Was it a girl? Your daughter perhaps?"

A lump formed in my throat as the memories came flooding back. All of the dwarves stared at me sympathetically.

"I believe her name was Mira. It really is awful you weren't able to save her. Poor you, too slow to save your own daughter."

Tear after tear plopped onto the crotchety wooden platform as I looked him straight in the eye.

"Do not speak her name."


Awkward ending, I know.

So, how did you like it? Sorry this was a little late. But I hope the chapter made up for it! Also, thanks for topping 1,000 reads! I was extremely happy when I saw the total on my profile. Also, the comments you guys leave really make my day.

Picture to the right is of the beautiful goblin king!

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