2016 really became the year of discovery for me, the year of exploring. I still can't get over how much support I've gotten from you guys, so for that, thank you so much. I'm so glad to be alive in a generation where I can come to somewhere like this to share my feelings, and have people who are so open and honest and helpful towards me, so for that, thank you so much. I can't believe who I was nearly a year ago, a lost, confused, long-haired person with little to no idea about their identity, whether sexual or gender wise. I know there are definitely going to be a few of you reading this who may be going through the same things I was this year, so for you, I'm leaving some advice/ things I've learned:
1) Identity takes time, a painstakingly long time sometimes too. It's not all rainbows and butterflies and self-acceptance. It takes time to come to terms with yourself and really realize who you are, and you know what, that is perfectly okay.
2) Identity not only takes time, but can also be fluid, and can also be something that doesn't necessarily need a label for it to be valid. For so long I clung to label after label, thinking each time it'd bring me clarity, when in actuality sometimes it really just hindered my self growth. On one hand labels are important and can definitely help with some things and bring the kind of clarity you're looking for, but at the same time, if you can't immediately find a label, it's okay to be label-less for some time, or even forever. Just because you don't have a label for how you feel doesn't make your feelings any less valid at all. You're still yourself and still have the feelings you do regardless of whether or not you have a term for it.
3) Cutting off all of my hair wasn't and will never be a mistake. If anything it was a mistake that I took so long to do it. Hair is just a materialistic object, I thought cutting it off would be a mistake, and I was even so afraid I would come to regret it, low and behold I never and will never regret it. I'm so grateful I finally gathered the courage to do it. Cutting all of my hair off was so liberating, and really molded me into the person I am today.
4) This one won't necessarily apply to everyone out there, but it applied to me, so might as well put it out there: If you have friends who are allies, or even lgbt+ themselves, never ever hesitate to come out to them and be honest with them. It was honestly so frigging helpful to have people out there who supported me and understood me and knew what I was going through. I love my friends dearly, and love the support they give me and strength they help me to have.
5) Love yourself no matter what. This is my final piece of advice. Love yourself for your flaws, your imperfections, and all your problems. Teach yourself to overcome hard obstacles in life, and never give up. Sometimes you are your own worst enemy, but you can also be your own best friend. Love yourself so much and accept yourself for who you are. Never be ashamed of being lgbt+ or of being someone who isn't always necessarily accepted by everyone. (As long as who you are and your identity doesn't do anything to hurt yourself or others around you)
Thank you all so much for this year of growth and support and for being here along with me for my journey of self-discovery. Good luck and happy new year! Hope 2017 is a year worth remembering, and in a great way!
Am I Transgender?
RastgeleAs by my username you can tell something isn't all right. Or at least something gender wise isn't. Nothing adds up in my life anymore and sometimes it can get so frustrating, so I've decided to write everything I bottle up on a daily basis due to ge...