I Tried

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"Ah here's some flowers by the way!" Eli grinned as she gave a bouquet of flowers to Maki as a practice. Her very first practice actually to proper courting. The redhead smiled as she took the flowers,"Thank you so much!~" The blonde giggled as she rubbed her nape,"Can you be my girlfriend now?" And an angry mark appeared on Maki's head before she used the flowers to smack her head,"Try again!!" The blonde yelped in pain and then rubbed her head,"What was that for?!" "That's very wrong! Courting takes loooooonnnggg patience! And if you don't have that then might as well go back to where you came from and not get that girl!" "EHHHH??!?! I-I was just--" "No more reasoning! Let's try it again!" Maki halted her and gave her the bouquet again,"From the start!" Eli took it and sighed.

They were practicing inside their classroom and their classmates were watching them with smiles on their faces. Most females did the sign of the cross, thanking the heavens that Eli is slowly changing. And some shemales just grinned at the two. After a moment, one female classmate rushed in and called out,"Eli! Umi is here!" "What?!?!" Eli suddenly put down the flowers as she stood up, rattling the chair a bit before she quickly went to the door and popped her head out to watch Umi going inside the classroom, the blonde blushed immensely and popped her head inside before taking a deep breath, she then smiled. The female classmate smirked,"Oh oh oh, you really liked her huh?" "Yeah...I wonder how she made me feel like this?" Eli lifted a hand and placed it on her chest where heart is located, gently clutching it,"She is the first girl who made me feel this way." Maki smiled and then stood up to go towards her,"And that, my friend should serve that as your motivation, c'mon, let's go back to practicing." "Right!!" Eli energetically replied and their classmates just chuckled at her response.


"Now Eli, women are very fragile as I have always told you, they tend to get really weak whenever bad something happens, they are also sensitive and most likely changes her mind often. Keep in mind that they have far different views than ours. So if you want to have a girlfriend that will stay with you, one of the factors that you must have is that you get to think alike with her." Maki said as she and Eli walked in the canteen.

"Hoooh." Eli nodded,"You know a lot about this." "Well I have a girlfriend so that is pretty much natural." Maki winked and then they ordered their lunch and went to sit on a vacant seat, but as Eli was about to sit, she caught a glimpse of Umi not too far from them and she seems to be having difficulty in getting in with the students since they are so many. The blonde,"Maki, could you eat first, I'll just go and help someone." Maki blinked,"What?" She then turned,"Ohhhh, you go and get 'er gal but remember after you help her. DO NOT GET FLIRTY and have some manners." Eli nodded,"You got it!" The blonde happily walked towards the blue-haired and Maki just watched her with a smile.

After a moment..

"Hi!" Eli then tried her hardest to get into the crowd and managed to be beside Umi who looked at her,"Oh hi! Umm..Eli Ayase right?" "Yep! That's me! You seem to be having trouble getting in the crowd huh? Want me to help you?" The blue-haired blushed shyly,"Well I don't want to be a bother but I have been trying to get some lunch and didn't expect to have many students buying in this stall.." "No problem! I can fix that!" Eli replied and took a deep breath,"ALRIGHT! STEP ASIDE!!" And the students in there stopped and turned to her with shock.

"Oh no, it's her!" One female student said.

"E-Eli, w-well.. you can buy first!" One shemale quickly stepped aside and the rest of the crowd also did the same in fear. Eli turned to the blue-haired with a smile who blinked in surprise,"Ohh...so you are really being feared.." "Perks of being a delinquent, now go buy your lunch." Eli smiled and Umi nodded before she went to the counter and began buying her food. Everyone blinked in surprise and turned to Eli. The blonde narrowed her eyes,"What?" The people all shivered and looked away. After Umi paid for her meal, she then carried her tray and went back to the blonde with a smile,"Thank you again." "No problem! Say, can I share my lunch with you?" "Hmm? Sure thing!" Umi replied. Eli's eyes sparkled,"Alright then! I will go and get my tray!" "Alright then!" The blue-haired then sat on a vacant seat and the blonde turned to everyone,"Ah you can continue." She then walked away, leaving everyone astonished.

"Ehh? She didn't.." One female halted in shock.

"Whoa..what happened to her?" Asked one shemale and her friend whispered to her ear,"I heard that she changed because of one girl." 

"Ehh? Only one girl!? But she fools around right?!"

"I heard that she has stopped flirting since few days ago.."

"Ehh? Unbelievable!" 

"All because of one girl?"

"That's Umi Sonoda right? I heard that she has taken down a lot of her suitors."

"Yeah...I'm surprised she wasn't being harassed." 

As the blonde picked up her tray, she looked at Maki and winked before she walked over to the blue-haired who smiled up at her. Maki was blinking in surprise as she watched her while hearing a lot of comments.

"Wha--Don't tell me..."


"Ehhhh?!?!? You have been practicing already?!?!" Maki exclaimed once she and Eli got back in class. The blonde already took Umi back to her classroom and so far they are in good terms.

The blonde giggled as she sat on her seat,"Yep!"

"And here I thought you were still fooling around." The redhead crossed her arms and Eli rested her elbow on her desk while she rested her chin on her palm,"I did." Maki blinked,"Ehh?"

"Well...I did..I tried but...I feel completely different like...I'm uncomfortable?"

The redhead sighed and grinned,"Then you are in love."

Eli looked over the window with a smile,"Heh..."


A/N:Hey guys! How's it going? Good? Good! Bad? Relax for a while and listen to some music! Hope you all enjoyed this new chapter! And so sorry if I didn't manage to post the new chapter yesterday.. Didn't expect to be very busy that time!


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