If Only You Knew... (Part 2)

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Eli ran towards Umi's classroom, it was already late afternoon and they are all ready in setting up their  event for the school festival and now she is excited to hear from her beloved blue-haired. Upon reaching the classroom, she then saw Umi who was arranging her things in her bag, all set to go home. The blonde smiled as she moved closer to the girl of her dreams and spoke,"Hey! You ready to go?" Umi looked up at her and smiled a bit,"Yeah, I just finished. Let's go?" The blonde nodded and gently took Umi's bag,"Let me carry your bag as usual.." The blue-haired giggled,"Thank you~" And the two of them then left the classroom and went out of the school building. They were silent for a moment but as they reached the school gate, Eli then looked at the smaller girl and spoke,"Say, I was wondering about the event you guys are going to have this upcoming school festival." Umi hummed,"Well we were planning a haunted house, what about yours, Eli?" "We are planning a cafe with Find Your Crush feature!" Eli grinned proudly and Umi giggled,"You guys made it look like Valentine's Day." "Of course! Well we can't wait for Valentine's Day right?" Umi giggled again,"Sounds fun!" "Of course! See you on there? I won't show you our setups! And to be fair, I won't see yours too!" Umi smiled,"Alright then, it's a deal." The blonde's eyes sparkled, she just couldn't believe that she would be able to talk to the love of her life like this, all her life, she wanted someone like Umi who can tame her. And after meeting her, she felt like she can do everything just to change herself and that's what she has been doing right now..

They then went silent again, just enjoying each other's presence as they walked home..


After a few days of arranging everything for the school festival, the students of Otonokizaka students finally finished all of their tasks and the time has finally come for them to enjoy their long-waited school festival.. 

"Umi!!" A classmate of the blue-haired called out happily and the said girl just blinked at her before closing her book that she was reading,"What is it?" "Umi!! You have been called!" The classmate stepped aside and then three of Eli's classmates moved forward with teasing smiles,"Umi Sonoda, someone requested you to participate in our Find Your Crush feature! Please come with us!" The blue-haired blushed profusely and was taken back,"M-Me?" Her classmates all looked at her teasingly for they already knew who she would be paired up with. Eli's classmate just smiled and then clicked her fingers before the other two went to gently grabbed Umi's arms and they dragged her away from her classroom to Eli's.

Eli was waiting on a table while the other students were tied up with their other pairs, they all have their blushing faces and the spectators were watching them teasingly, some of them took videos and some of them took pictures. Not long after before Eli's classmates entered while bringing Umi in and then make her sit across Eli who looked at her with a sweat drop,"Ah, hi Umi!" "Eli!" Umi looked at her surprisingly and blushed again. Maki moved towards them and took out a handkerchief,"Alright lovey-doveys.. it is time." the redhead then grabbed Eli's hand and put it on top of Umi's then ties them up with the handkerchief,"You will stay like that for 5 minutes." Eli blushed slightly but grinned at the blue-haired who stiffened in embarrassment. Umi's classmate where cheering happily before taking pictures, same goes to Eli's classmates.

The blonde softened her eyes as she focused her gaze at Umi who looked away with a profuse blush.


Umi was covering her face with her hands while she and Eli sat on a bench outside the school building. Eli was chuckling nervously at her cuteness and just rubbed her nape,"Well then, it was a sudden and that's how our special feature works.." "It is embarrassing though." Umi muffled and then uncovered her face.

'I thought I would die in there though.. Eli's hand feels a little rough and a little big but... I feel safe with it..' She thought and she couldn't help but smile.

"I agree but hey, we get to have much customers!" Eli grinned.

"Say.." Umi's smile dropped slowly and looked at her, the blonde looked back at her in curiosity,"Hmm?" The blonde responded and to her surprise, a soft and warm lips landed on the blonde's cheek making her stiffen up with a hard blush,"W-Wha--"

It was the blue-haired, kissing Eli's cheek, after a moment, she then moved back and giggled,"You look cute whenever you act like that, can I ask?" Eli's cheeks burned up and nodded like a little girl, the blue-haired smiled,"Will you always protect me?"

Eli's eyes widened.

A/N: HEEEEY guys! Hope you guys liked this new update! Short update tho! See you on the next chapt!

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