If Only You Knew... (Part 1)

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How many days has it been again since I started courting her? Or more like... months? And she hasn't answered me yet.. But that doesn't mean that I'm giving up, huh, strange huh? Before, I really hate courting girls because I thought that it was a waste of time. But after a few scoldings and advices from Maki, I began to learn that courting is the only way for you to get to a real girl's heart, if you want her to be yours then you will wait for her.. It is very difficult but it will be all worth it once you and her become together.. Ahh I want to experience that.. all my hard work will bear fruit.. that kind of feeling.. I know I still have a long way to go to reach my Umi's heart, ahh just saying her name can make my heart jump and make my day~ She is my stress reliever, my princess, my love, my life, my everything~ She has the looks and the smarts! I doubt I'd look at other girls! I'm already contented with her!

Eli was daydreaming in her classroom, sitting on her seat while looking at the window where sakura petals were infiltrating the room gracefully, the blonde kept her eyes still at the view outside the window with a smile on her face, soft wind began to enter and it caressed her face, hair and clothes. Her eyes were sparkling with fondness and happiness in them and all of her classmates noticed that, they even had to smile at her as she gazes out the window. 

"Jeez.. Eli sure is so serious about Umi, she got lovestruck." Her classmate whispered to her friend who nodded in agreement.

"I know right, just look at her face, she is so happy and it all started when Umi agreed about the courting." Replied the friend.

Maki entered the classroom and then sat on her desk, she started arranging her things before looking at the blonde who was still daydreaming, unable to notice her. The redhead smiled softly and then blew a soft sigh before she reached out and tapped her shoulder,"Eli."

But the blonde didn't budge and the redhead blinked before shaking her a bit,"Eli!"

The blonde blinked and flinched a bit before turning to the redhead in confusion, Maki grinned,"Oi oi, you are madly in love right there gal, we all could see it." The blonde blushed and looked away with a smile,"Well.. can you even blame me?" "There will be hardships in the near future though so it's best to prepare." Maki replied and the blonde nodded,"Yeah, I know that.. oh well, I will do everything I can!~" "That's the spirit, wanna go and grab burgers on the way home?" "Naah, I have to accompany Umi at the convenience store today.. Sorry about that." The blonde responded as she waved her hand slowly making the redhead chuckle,"It's alright, good luck with your courtship okay? Hang in there, I have experienced the same thing with Nico." "Say... How does Nico act like before she settled with you?" Eli raised an eyebrow and the redhead hummed a bit, indicating that she was thinking,"Let's see... she is stingy towards me and very rude. She is also harsh and I couldn't even figure out what's in her mind. You could say that I had it worse but it was all worth it." Maki giggled at the memory she had,"She was so cute whenever I tried to comfort her and she was all bossy and mighty." "Huh... I see.." "That's why do your best and trust me, it is very worth it.. It's like you got a promotion to a job or you won the Olympics." "Heeh, I wanna experience that." Eli grinned,"Well that's why you have to do your best." Maki replied. 

Then the school bell rang and everyone went back to their respective seats. Eli then arranged herself and looked at the front as the teacher walked in.

As the teacher reached her desk, she then looked at her students with an energetic smile,"Alright class!" She started with enthusiasm," We had our meeting, I'm sure some of you have heard it but we are going to have the school festival!!" The class immediately cheered with excitement and the teacher calmed them down by jerking her hands back and forth gently and as they quiet it down, the teacher then continued,"Well then! Let's pick for our class representative for it!" 

Everyone then pointed at Maki who flinched and looked at the teacher who looked back at her with a smile,"Well Maki, it seems they all planned to pick you in the first place, are you in?" Maki blinked and chuckled,"It can't be helped, alright, I'm in." And they all cheered for it.

Eli grinned,"Good luck." Maki sweat dropped and chuckled,"Yeah right.."

~After a while~

Maki was standing in front of the class and she clears her throat before speaking,"Alright guys! What shall we do for the festival? It must be unique and exciting!"

One classmate raised her hand,"I vote for role playing!"

Maki then wrote it on the board,"Uh-huh, and then?" 

"Ooh! Ooh! I vote for a cafe with cosplaying!" Said another female as she raised her hand, Maki then wrote it on the board,"Anything else?"

"How about Search Your Crush?" Eli unconsciously suggested as she raised her hand and everyone quickly stopped before turning to her, including Maki who raised an eyebrow.

"That's new, how does it works?" The redhead asked and the blonde smiled,"Well it is what it says, people will pay us to look for their crushes and then we will bring them here and tied their hands with the people who requested it, they will stay like that for a five minutes and after that, they are free to go, well it is only a special feature and we only need a paper and pen for the list of their names and then handkerchiefs." 

"Whoa, this looks like Valentine's Day already but.." Maki hummed as she listed it on the board,"I have an idea, how about we set up a maid cafe and then mixed it with Eli's suggestion?! Who's with me?" Everyone then raised their hands cheerfully and the redhead looked at the blonde who nodded with a smile.

'Well then, why don't I visit Umi after this and ask her about their own event..' She thought with excitement.

'Huh, now I got a plan for myself.. I will have someone list her name.. and then we will hold hands..'

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this new chapter took so long but I hope you guys like it! Enjoy reading!

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