Because Of Her...

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After the incident, things slowly started to go back to normal, Eli was sent to the hospital for a moment since the leader heavily beat her up in a long period of time, she did get a couple of slightly broken bones on her shoulder and arms but overall, she was fine but she had to stay out of school for 2 weeks. Umi and Eli's classmates did try to visit her along with Maki occasionally, to their surprise, Eli was really doing fine despite the injuries she got.

And 2 weeks later, Eli then came back from school...


"Yo!" Eli greeted happily as she waved at her classmates, she was wearing small bandages on her face, head and arms. Her classmates greeted back happily,"Hi Eli!!!"

"Whoa Eli, you really took a good beating huh?" Asked one shemale and the blonde nodded,"That leader was an asshole, good thing that I'm tougher than I look or I'd still be in the hospital." "Speaking of her, she was suspended along with her gang. Fighting here kinda ruins the school's reputation too you know." Said another classmate which is a female. The blonde nodded,"And Umi?" "She's good! She's in her classroom, maybe you should go and visit her." Eli nodded and quickly rushed out of her classroom and went to Umi's.

"Eli!" Said one of Umi's classmates and the people inside the room looked at her. Eli placed a hand on her nape with a smile,"Where's Um-" But she was interrupted when the blue-haired tackled her and they both fell on the ground. Eli yelped once she landed on the floor and groaned in pain,"Ow ow ow ow.." She then looked up, seeing Umi who has her face buried on her chest. Umi's classmates then squealed and cheered happily and loudly.

"Umi misses you so much you know!" One of the female classmates said,"And more like she was so worried about you." Said a shemale with a smile. Eli blinked and looked down at Umi before smiling,"Hey.." Umi then lifted her head and looked at her,"I thought you'd never be better." Eli chuckled nervously,"Sorry if I made you worry.."

"Well to hell with that and let's have a celebration at Brenda's house!!" One of the shemales shouted so loudly that footsteps could be heard going towards them, revealing the same black-haired from two weeks ago. Brenda was wearing an annoyed expression as she glared at the shemale who put up the suggestion,"HEY! WHO TOLD YOU THAT YA'LL CAN COME INTO MY HOUSE?!" Then the white-haired who was with her that time popped her head out from the side of the door,"Ahh yes yes, I do have to agree with your suggestion, we can all celebrate in there since Brenda's parents are away for 2 months." "Hey!!" Brenda glared at the white-haired.

Then they all laughed.

"Don't worry, we will bring our own food!" Said one female classmate to Brenda who just groaned and looked away with a small pout.

"Well! That's final! We will go to your house for the celebration!!" One of the shemale announced and everyone cheered. "Oi!!" Brenda shouted and they just laughed.


Lunch break then came and Eli and Umi moved to the backyard and sat on the same bench as before to eat their lunch. Eli was gently eating her sandwich with Umi who was in the same pace.

'It's true that matching her pace of eating kinda made this sandwich even more delicious. The fact that I'm savoring and appreciating a lot of its taste makes me want to buy more of it and just eat with her. No wonder I don't see her eat like she was in a hurry..' Eli thought as she secretly looked at the blue-haired who calmly kept eating and the blonde smiled after she swallowed and then picked up her bottle of water and then opened its cap, then drinks.

"Say Eli.." Sooner, Umi called out and the blonde looked at her,"Yeah?"

"Why didn't you fight back?" Umi bowed her head down, letting her bangs cover her eyes,"You're a delinquent too... Just like them... I even heard that you like fighting... You don't dare back down in a fight.. So why?" She asked, her voice is so gentle that it could bring Eli some small chill down to her spine. The blonde raised an eyebrow and then looked at the scenery in front of them, same beautiful and cold-looking scenery but the leaves are orange in color. "Let's see..." Eli responded a bit and took a deep breath while smiling softly,"I wanted to change."

Umi's eyes widened and looked at her,"Change?"

Eli nodded,"You see... Umi.. When I first met you, I already fell in love. Love at first sight it is.. I thought that it was just a false love and that I could get back into my usual routine like hanging out with those flirtatious girls and fight with other thugs in the school but I was wrong.. the longer I pay attention to your presence, the longer I fall for you. It was highly unexpected."

Umi could feel the sincerity from her voice, the way Eli talks is so gentle that even the blue-haired felt something else towards her. Was it the urge to listen? Or the urge to just understand?

Eli continued,"Day by day, I was so charmed by you.. I wanted to court you and during that time, I became so sure that I really love you, it wasn't false love. To impress and to get your heart, I changed myself.. I want to be a better person for you.. I want you to know that you successfully changed this delinquent's heart into a much gentler one. I tried so hard to change myself even though they were very difficult since daily habits cannot be changed that easily but I really tried and I succeeded." She sighed,"I tried so hard not to flirt and fight against those thugs. People had always asked me what happened to me.. And I just answered them by telling them about you. They were shocked since it was rare for me to fall in love.. " She then looked back at Umi seriously,"Thanks to you, I have become a much better person. Having you in my life changed everything for the better.."

Umi blushed and smiled softly before she leaned and placed her head on Eli's shoulder which startled the blonde a bit but immediately calmed down.

"Thank you also for proving yourself to me.." Umi answered and Eli's eyes softened.

"Can we... stay like this for a while?" Umi asked and the blonde blushed furiously.


A/N: Heeyyy guys! How's it going? Good? Good! Bad? Relax for a while and listen to some music! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter! It is ending sooooooonnnn!!!!!! 

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