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dannyfire: why don't you ever wear your glasses anymore?

snowdude: its annoying

snowdude: i have the constant fear that it will fall down then it'll break

dannyfire: but you really look good in it

snowdude: maybe i'll wear it one of these days

snowdude: anw, how old are you?

dannyfire: i'm 17

snowdude: now i feel old

snowdude: i'm 19

dannyfire: wow hello grandpa

snowdude: i'm not that old

snowdude: close, but not yet.

dannyfire: you'll be 20 in a few months

dannyfire: just wait until your hair are all grey

snowdude: why am i so old, this is sad

snowdude: when is your birthday?

dannyfire: june 11

snowdude: i could just ask pj if he knows someone named dan whose birthday is on june 11

dannyfire: phil

snowdude: jk, im not gonna do that

snowdude: im just gonna wait until you're ready to tell me

dannyfire: :)

snowdude: :)

grae: my classes resume tomorrow rip

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