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Vic sighed when he saw Kellin laying in their bed pouting still. Ever since Alan and Austin left four days ago Kellin had been pouting. He missed his best friend like crazy and Vic was worried about him.

"Babe," Vic said quietly as he climbed on top of the bed and pulled his mate to him close to him. "C'mere."

Kellin sighed and rested his head on Vic's shoulder, "Shouldn't you be doing rounds?"

"I have my Gamma doing them for me," his mate responded, running his hand up and down Kellin's back softly. Pushing Kellin's shirt up slightly. "Would you like to go do something with me?"


"On what?" Vic asked as Kellin crawled on top of him and pressed a kiss to Vic's neck.

"On if I want to get up and stop kissing you," he said with a giggle and kissed his mate once again, in fact he had started to cover his handsome mate with a million kisses. Vic chuckled as he placed his hands on Kellin's waist, Kellin giggled against Vic's lips and pushed his own against his harder. He nipped at Vic's bottom lip lightly before Vic granted him access, their tongues rubbed against one another slowly, sensually. A moan escaped Kellin's mouth as Vic rubbed his bottom slowly, his member growing hard as Kellin ground against him slowly.

"Kells, Kells," Vic said pulling away with a laugh as his little mate gave him a lusty look.

"What?" He whined, as of late the little omega had been rather horny. He constantly found himself growing hard over the simplest of thoughts and had wanted nothing more than for Vic to just fuck him hard and rough.

"Not yet Beautiful, remember what we agreed on?" Vic said slowly, Kellin pouted but nodded his head nonetheless as he crawled off of his mate only to get pulled back onto him. "Don't start pouting Mister." Vic scolded playfully and gave him a long kiss.

"No," Kellin said in a childlike voice as he pulled away. Vic laughed and brought his mate back down to him.

"Wanna hear something?" Vic asked him. Kellin nodded his head quickly as Vic put his lips to Kellin's ear and whispered: "I love you."

Kellin let out a squeal and hugged Vic tight, "I love you too!"

Vic wiped his brow dramatically, "That's a relief. I was kinda scared for a second."

The little omega let out a giggle as he nuzzled Vic's neck. "So, what do you want to do?"

"I was thinking maybe a little picnic in the woods and then we could shift and let Russet and Ebony play." Vic told him, playing with Kellin's hair slowly.

"Sounds good," Kellin said happily and climbed off of Vic once more, only for his mate to pull him back to him. "Babe, we can't go unless you actually let me up."

"I think I changed my mind, I just want to lay here with you all day."

"Nope, I wanna let our wolves out for a little bit, besides I wanna see Rus."

Vic groaned and sat up pushing Kellin off of him and the bed as he did so.

"Vic I swear to the Goddess next time you push me like that I'm going to kill you," Kellin groaned, laying on the ground. Vic laughed and got off of the bed and picked up his mate.

"You won't kill me, you love me too much," he sang, Kellin glared at him.

"I don't know about that."

"Whatever you say."


Alan giggled as he laid his head on Austin's shoulder, taking his large hand in his own small hands.

"This has been the best birthday," he said softly and Austin pressed a kiss to the top of Alan's head.

"I'm glad," he murmured as they stared out at the sunset.

Alan smiled and turned around to face Austin and kissed him sweetly, "I love you, I know it's kinda fast but I me-"

"Al, we're mates, we're meant for one another," Austin said with a chuckle. "I love you too."

They smiled at one another before Alan tackled his mate to the ground and gave Austin a long, drawn out kiss.

"You know everyone is going to know about us when we get back home in a few days right?" Alan said quietly. "The pack might flip shit if they find out that you got stuck with an omega for your mate. Not to mention I'm a dude."

"It doesn't matter to me, Vic and I have already talked about everything, we're going to come back in a few days, we're going to gauge how the pack reacts and if they have a problem then the alpha is going to have to wait before he and Kellin can come out."

"Wait- so we're like an experiment to see how the pack is going to react to us?" Alan asked angrily. "What the fuck!? We're not some science experiment."

"I know we're not Al but it was actually my idea. If the pack can handle having a gay beta then they can handle having a gay alpha as well we're not as important as the Alpha and the Luna, if the pack can't handle us, what do you think they're going to do if the leaders of the pack are just like us?" Austin said slowly, he and Vic had discussed this a lot and decided that this was the best way to go.

See how the pack felt about them and if it was a positive reaction, then Vic would finally get to mate Kellin, something Austin knew, Vic wanted to do like crazy. Even if he had been terrified of doing it. That was Vic's main problem and Austin had teased him relentlessly for it. Vic was worried he was going to fuck up or that he wouldn't please Kellin.

Austin just thought it was hilarious.

"What if they do hate us then? What are we going to do? What about Kellin and Vic?"

His mate sighed and gave him a sweet kiss, "Don't worry about it babe, Vic and I have got it all figured out."

Alan nodded once and laid his head on Austin's chest once again, pressing a kiss to his chest. "Alright, I'm trusting you."

"Good, you better trust me." Austin said and ran his fingers through Alan's hair once more as the sun went down, the two stayed lying on the ground talking about nothing in particular as they cuddled. Both not knowing what was going to be in store for them when they got home.  

The Stray and the Divine |Kellic|Where stories live. Discover now