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Alright guys, this is the last chapter I'll be updating for tonight. It has been very interesting to say the least but oh well! If I messed up on anything and you want me to fix it just comment something on somewhere and I'll fix it XD So onto the chapter...

"So, did I tell you that Vic and I are getting married today?" Kellin asked his best friend as they walked around the pack land, three hunters and two sentinels following behind them. Ever since they came back from the mall trip the week before, they were constantly guarded. The two had thought it was just because the Alpha and Beta didn't want them going out without protection when they were both with child. They didn't know about the note that had threatened both of their lives and that was how their mates wanted to keep it.

"Really?" Alan asked, raising his eyebrows, Kellin smiled and nodded as he ran e ran his fingers through his hair. "Why? You're already mated, you've even taking his last name."

Kellin laughed and rubbed his growing belly, he was a month pregnant but, he looked like he was a little over two months. "It's for the humans really, we need to be married by their standards for the treaty thing we have with the U.S. government. Who, believe it or not, know that we exist," Kellin said, laughing at the shocked look on the omega's face.

"Are you serious? I thought they thought we were like an Indian Reservation or something!"

"Right? I thought that too but, according to Vic, the government knows about us and we have a treaty where basically the government won't try to hunt and kill us as long as we keep our existence a secret."

Alan sighed and shook his head, "The things the alpha kept from us," Alan remarked, Kellin nodded in agreement.

"You honestly have no idea, and as soon as I get to go through my Luna ceremony, I have to spend a week with the council to learn all of the pack secrets and train to become the best Luna I can be. Plus, I'll be sworn to secrecy and won't be able to tell a single soul no matter what. Until then though, I'm just learning small things."

Alan hummed, "Sounds boring."

"It's pretty interesting actually but, back to getting married," Kellin said, changing the subject. "You and Austin are going to be coming with us to Fenton to be our witnesses."

"So you're just going to the courthouse to get it done? No big, human wedding?" Alan asked, Kellin shook his head and he sighed. "Damn, now I'm kinda disappointed."

Kellin giggled, "Why on earth would you be disappointed? It's just some human thing we have to do for the-"

"I know, but now I can't be your maid of honor!" Alan exclaimed, Kellin stopped walking and gave his best friend a funny look.

"Alan no, we're just going to the courthouse to sigh the stupid papers with you and Austin as our witnesses and then Vic and I will be married."

Alan scowled and crossed his arms, "That's no fun."

"I know, I know but it's just a formality," Kellin muttered, the two continued walking.

"I honestly can't seem to wrap my mind around this," Alan stated after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"Around what? Me getting married? Al, it's seriously not that big of a deal."

"Not just that, think about it Kells, this time last year, neither of us ever really expected that our mates would accept us, we were treated like shit by the whole pack and were living in a tiny broom closet. Now look at us! I'm mated to the beta and you're the motherfucking Luna! Not to mention we're both pregnant with babies."

Kellin giggled, "Well one, what else would we be pregnant with? And I know, it's weird. At this point, I'm seriously just waiting for something bad to happen."

The Stray and the Divine |Kellic|Where stories live. Discover now