042. (FINAL)

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Kellin laughed as he watched his best friend awkwardly bounce Hunter on his knee, trying to get the small baby to stop crying.

"Alan, give me my child," he giggled and took the baby who, once in his Mama's arms, instantly stopped crying. Kellin didn't know whether it was because he was the Luna and just his touch could calm anyone down or if it was just his mother's touch. Either way, Hunter had stopped crying and was now gurgling at his mama.

"Hi there," Kellin cooed and Alan sighed, slumping down on the couch. The best friends were currently in the living room of the pack house playing with the baby while their mates did rounds. Vic had made sure that the sentinels had upped their game since the kidnapping of Kellin and Alan and he and Austin were now doing rounds with them, even more than they were before. Something that annoyed Kellin but he knew Vic was doing it because he didn't want to lose his mate again.

"I'm never going to get this down, Calen is born in a month and I still can't even make a baby stop crying," Alan muttered, glaring at his shoes. Kellin laughed and looked at his best friend, his gaze softening.

"Alan, you're going to be a great parent, that's why I'm here to help you," Kellin informed him. "Now, how much did you feed him?"

"Of your nipple milk?" Alan asked and looked at the small bottle, "About half."

"Alright, now did you burp him?" He questioned and Alan frowned.

"You're supposed to do that?" He asked his Luna and best friend just as the baby spit up all over Kellin's shirt.

"Well... that answered that question." Kellin stated with a sigh and stood up, handing Hunter off to his godfather. "I'm going to go change my shirt, can you just hold him? And relax, what are you going to do when you have your kid and can't hold him?" Kellin asked, pulling his t-shirt off before walking to get a new one from the laundry room. Much to Alan's relief, as soon as Kellin walked out, Vic walked in and took the boy from the ginger.

"Babe, what are you going to do when you have our kids?" Austin asked, sitting next to his mate, rubbing the pregnant boy's stomach.

"Kids?" Vic asked, bouncing his son slightly as the baby nuzzled his face against his neck.

"Twins," Alan said with a squeal before his eyes widened. "Don't tell Kellin! They're going to be surprise!" He said just as Kellin returned, still shirtless and scowling.

"Don't tell me what? That Jess didn't listen to me when I told her today was her day to do laundry because I already know," he responded bitterly and looked at Vic. "Give me your shirt."

His mate scoffed, "No, I'm wearing it."

"Vic!" He whined, stomping his foot. "You don't need it! And I don't want to walk all the way back to the house to get another shirt!"

Kellin gave Vic a pitiful, puppy dog look that he knew his mate couldn't resist. Vic scowled and handed his son to Austin before he pulled off his shirt.

"Here," he muttered. Kellin giggled and pecked his mate on the cheek before putting the shirt on. He took the baby from the beta and looked at Alan as he crinkled his nose.

"Come on Al, now I'm going to teach you how to change diapers, goddess knows you're going to need it when you have two little poop machines," he said. Alan stopped, not even moving from his mid standing position as he stared at his best friend in shock.

"You know? How the fuck did you know?" He demanded, Vic smacked his head.

"No cursing in front of Hunter, Kellin doesn't like it," he said, thinking of all the times his mate had hit him for speaking foul language in front of their son.

"Of course I know," Kellin said, rolling his eyes. "I'm the Luna, I can tell if you're pregnant, how many kids you're popping out, what their sex is, all that crap." He told his friend as if it was obvious.

"What am I having?" Alan asked, giving his friend a suspicious look, there was no way Kellin knew all this, the only one who even knew the sex of the babies was Austin. Alan didn't want to know, he wanted it to be a secret. But, if Kellin knew then he wanted him to tell him.

"Two boys," Kellin stated, Alan looked at Austin for confirmation, the beta nodded wide eyed.

"That's unfair!" Alan whined and followed Kellin out of the living room, complaining.

Vic and Austin both just chuckled and went up to Vic's office.

"Hey Vic, I've got a question for you," Austin said, falling onto the couch as Vic sat at the desk, slipping his glasses on.

"What's that?" He asked, punching numbers into the calculator on his phone as he started working on bills.

"Do you ever regret mating Kellin?" Austin asked curiously. "I mean your life is so different now."

Vic looked up from his work and smiled a little, "No, the only thing I regret is not mating him sooner. I put him through a lot of unnecessary shit and I regret it, being mated to Kellin is the best thing in the world and every day I thank the goddess for the fact that he gave me another chance. I didn't deserve it, I didn't deserve him, I still don't."

"Oh yeah you do, you're a great guy Vic, and Kellin just makes you even better." Austin said and smiled at his best friend. "You two are like ten times better than Brangelina. You guys are like Vellin or Kellic."

Vic snorted and started writing down numbers once more, "That's fucking stupid Aust."

"It's true, you guys can be Vellin and Alan and I are Alstin."

"Alstin? Vellin?" Vic asked, trying not to laugh at his friend. "You're an idiot."

"And yet for some reason, I'm still the one you picked to be your beta."

"In hindsight, I probably should have picked Oliver or Jaime." Vic joked, he would have never picked them, it wasn't anything against them. Austin was his best friend and he trusted him with his life.

"No. You know I'm your favorite person in the world, aside from Hunter and Kellin I mean. Although, I bet I'm better than Hunter too." He responded. Vic chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah... no. Have you seen my son? He's fucking great, just wait until the twins are born and you'll see how awesome kids are."

Austin smiled, he was absolutely excited for his babies to be born.

"Can you believe you're a dad and I'm about to be one?" Austin asked, feeling giddy at just the thought.

Vic smiled even more, "No I can't but it's really fucking great isn't it?"

"It really is," Austin said quietly. Everything in their life was just perfect. Absolutely perfect.  

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