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Kellin groaned, his back pressed against the bathtub as he rubbed his stomach, he couldn't be pregnant. He just couldn't, but nothing else seemed to explain his symptoms, it had been two weeks since he told Alan of his suspicions and nothing had changed.

He still hadn't had his period, he still had morning sickness and Vic was getting concerned. Kellin had no idea what he was going to do, he was only eighteen, he couldn't be a parent. Vic couldn't possibly be ready for that either, they were still growing up trying to figure shit out. They were a couple of young adults taking care of an entire pack of people, would they really be able to handle taking care of a baby of their own as well?

With that thought in mind, Kellin launched forward, gripping the sides of the porcelain toilet. He couldn't be a parent this soon could he? And what was Vic going to do?

Oh Goddess, Vic.

Kellin groaned and pulled away from the toilet just as Vic walked in and glared at his mate, annoyed.

"That's it, I'm taking you to see the pack doctor, get dressed." He said, Vic was going crazy with worry. He didn't understand how Kellin had gotten so sick, wolves didn't get like this, was this just because of his transformation as Luna? He didn't know but he was going to find out, he didn't want it to be something major and he definitely didn't want to lose his mate.

"Kells, come on." Vic said and helped up his mate carefully. "You're really starting to worry me and I don't want to lose you baby."

Kellin sighed and stood up, biting his lip and nodded, Vic wasn't going to lose him but he would probably get really fucking pissed if he found out that Kellin was pregnant and he really didn't want that. He didn't want that, he didn't want Vic to get mad that he was pregnant. And the moon goddess looked down upon abortion so Kellin wouldn't just be able to abort the baby, beside he didn't even want to.

The whole thing was so terrifying and confusing and he had no idea what he was even going to do. How was he going to be able to help Vic run a whole pack and take care of a baby?

"Alright, let's go then," Kellin said quietly, taking Vic's hand as his mate led him to their room and helped him get some shoes on before picking his mate up in his arms bridal style. "Hey Vic."

"Yeah baby?"

"I love you, don't forget that," he mumbled, resting his head on Vic's shoulder as he carried him out of the house and started the walk to the pack doctor's building.

"I love you too baby boy," Vic responded, some

Once they got there, Vic carried Kellin to Dr. Hills' office.

"Justin," he said, the pack doctor looking up at them, his eyes widening slightly as he stood up and bowed his head in respect.

"Alpha, Luna, what can I do for you two?" He asked as Vic set Kellin on a little observation bed.

"Kellin has thrown up every single day for two weeks now and I'm starting to get concerned," Vic said, Justin frowned and walked over to Kellin.

The pack doctor was, for lack of a better word, blessed. The goddess always chose the pack doctors and when she did, she gave him the power to understand with just a simple touch, what was wrong with his patients and she blessed him with the ability to know exactly how to help each wolf with whatever it was that ailed them and how to speed up the already fast healing process.

Justin looked at Kellin, "May I?"

The Luna bit his lip, if Justin touched his stomach, he'd know that Kellin was pregnant and then he'd tell Vic who'd freak out and would possibly hate Kellin forever.

He nodded, "Yeah, sure. Go for it." He mumbled.

Justin gave him a reassuring smile and lifted his Luna's shirt carefully before placing his hand over his stomach and smiled at his Alpha and Luna.

"Well," he breathed. "Congratulations Alpha Fuentes, it looks like you and Luna Fuentes are going to be parents."

Vic's eyes widened, his heart stopped, "K-Kellin's pregnant?" He whispered in shock.

"It was bound to happen really, considering you two mated during Kellin's heat not to mention since you're the Alpha, you're more fertile."

"W-we're having a baby?" Vic asked, he couldn't seem to get his mind wrapped around the idea that he was going to be a dad. Was he ready for this? He and Kellin had only been together for four months, it was way too soon to already be having a baby! They were just now getting the hang of running a pack well over 2,000 wolves, how on earth were they going to be able to take care of the baby too?

"We're having a baby," Kellin said softly, sitting up a little as he took Vic's hand in his own, squeezing it tightly. "I-is that okay? You don't hate me or anything?"

"Dr. Hills, can you give us a moment?" Vic asked, the pack doctor nodded and left the room for the couple to talk.

"You're mad aren't you?" Kellin asked, whimpering slightly.

"What the fuck Kellin!?" Vic yelled at him angrily. Why didn't Kellin prevent this? They're still young, they couldn't be parents! The two of them already had enough on their plates without a fucking kid in the way too.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I can't help that I got pregnant," Kellin mumbled, looking down at his hands. He didn't like this, he didn't like it when Vic got mad at him, something that he hadn't done since Vic accepted Kellin.

"Well you could have fucking warned me!" He screamed, running a hand through his hair as he paced the doctor's room. "What the fuck is wrong with you? We can't just have a goddess damn kid! How the fuck is that going work when we're just now getting used to watching over a pack!"

"I told you I could get pregnant, what more am I supposed to do Vic? You're the one who doesn't like wearing condoms! And believe it or not I can't exactly take birth control since human medicine can't do anything for wolves," Kellin said quietly, flinching back when Vic turned to face him abruptly only to stop short.

The look of fear on Kellin's face as Vic glared at him, killed him. He didn't want Kellin to look at him like that, ever since the accepted Kellin, he never wanted Kellin to look at him like that again.

"Kells," Vic said softly, Kellin looked at him with fear in his eyes. "Look, I'm sorry."

Kellin shook his head and jumped off of the bed and went to the door, listening to Ebony who was telling him it was probably best if they just let Vic cool down.

"Save it," Kellin mumbled opening the door. He knew this was going to happen, he was expecting Vic to get mad but, that didn't change how much it hurt him that Vic was so angry. Of course he was terrified of being a parent when he was so young but, he and Vic could do it couldn't they? They were already taking care of a whole pack? One more surely wouldn't hurt them, especially when it's their flesh and blood.

"Kellin wait let's just talk about this," Vic said, grabbing his mate's arm.

"Vic, you just blamed me for getting pregnant," Kellin told him. "I really don't want to talk about this right now. I'm sleeping at the pack house tonight, you just stay at home and think about this." Kellin said in a quiet voice, pulling his arm away from his mate; leaving his mate there to get yelled at by his own wolf for being such an idiot.  

The Stray and the Divine |Kellic|Where stories live. Discover now