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"That asshole!" Alan yelled, pacing the room he used to share with Kellin as his best friend sniffled, his knees pulled up to his chest. "I'll fight him- I'll have Austin fucking fight him. What the fuck is wrong with him!?"

Kellin rubbed the tears out of his eyes, "It's fine Alan, he's just freaking out about the baby," he mumbled. "He'll calm down eventually."

Alan shook his head angrily, "You know what Kells? I'm going to go give him a piece of my mind this fucking instant." He said stomping to the door.

"Stop," Kellin whined, he didn't want anything to make Vic even madder and, Alan was going to do just that and Kellin didn't like it at all. "Just sit here with me until I calm down, please?"

His best friend sighed but sat next to him on the bed, Kellin sniffed and placed his hand on his belly, rubbing where the baby was. Werewolves only carried their young for four months, two months longer than actual wolves did but five months less than what humans did. Kellin was already growing since he had been pregnant for roughly three weeks.

Vic didn't know what to do, he was only in his twenties. How on earth was he going to handle taking care of a baby? He wasn't ready to be a father but, he was going to be one. And at this point, he was more concerned about Kellin really, he looked so hurt and heartbroken and... scared.

Like he was scared of Vic and his mate didn't like that, he never wanted Kellin to be scared of him again not after everything the two of them had been through together. He wanted to show him that nothing was going to happen like that again.

Vic had to fix it.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair and left Dr. Hills' office. Once he was outside, he shifted and ran to the pack house, ignoring Russet who was practically screaming at Vic for making their mate upset, and cry. Vic could feel his mate's pain at his very core, Kellin wanted this baby it seemed and if that was what Kellin wanted, Vic would too.

It just terrified him, he didn't know the first thing about raising a baby, and he was just now starting to figure out how to take care of a pack. This was different, this was his own child, his own son.

Of course their first child would be a son, that's how it went with Alphas and their offspring, the first child was always a son so that he could take over once his parents stepped down.

He walked into the pack house, still in his wolf form and followed his mate's scent up to his old best room, as well as Alan's.

Vic scratched at the door, not wanting to shift since he had no clothes and waited.

"Let him in," Kellin mumbled quietly. Alan nodded and got off of the bed to let the giant werewolf into the room, Vic walked in slowly and jumped onto Kellin's bed, pushing his nose against Kellin's cheek, causing his Luna to let out a little giggle.

"Vic stop," Kellin laughed as Vic started licking his face. "You have dog breath."

Russet let out a low growl, "We are not a dog Kellin."

"Well, your breath begs to differ," Kellin laughed.

"I'm going to give you two a moment," Alan said before leaving the couple there.

Vic climbed on top of Kellin and continued licking all of his tears off of his face, "I didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's fine," Kellin told him, running his fingers through his mate's fur as Vic continued licking him. "But quit licking me, you're setting wolves back hundreds of years."

"I don't care, I made my mate cry and now I feel terrible," Vic informed him before he finally quit licking Kellin and laid next to him, resting his head on Kellin's head and listened to his heartbeat, as well as their babies. "I'm sorry for making you cry, I was just freaking out and I didn't know what to do and- Kells how on earth are we going to be able to take care of a baby?"

Kellin smiled and continued petting Vic's head, tangling his fingers in his brown fur, "We'll be just fine I think. I mean I'm a Luna, it's part of my job to be able to know how to take care of children and we already run an entire pack, what's one more to that you know? Especially when he's our own flesh and blood. And besides, if the Moon Goddess didn't think we'd be able to handle it, she'd never allow it to happen."

"You're right, it's just- we've only been mates for four months. I thought we'd have more time than this and I'm just scared," Vic admitted quietly.

Kellin sighed and moved out from under his wolf and grabbed an old pair of sweats from the little box he used to keep when he still lived in his room and threw them at Vic who caught them in his mouth easily.

"Baby, shift," He said quietly. "You don't have to wear the pants if you don't want to, I mean I don't mind but you might get cold."

Vic let out a wolfy laugh and shifted, Kellin's eyes glued to his mate's body. Vic smirked at the Luna as he stood up, Kellin's eyes dropping down to his member.

"Like what you see Sweetheart?" Vic asked him with a chuckle as he slipped the pants on slowly, they hung low and his hips and distracted Kellin.

"Oh yeah," Kellin mumbled, licking his lips slightly as he walked over to Vic and sat down on the bed once more. "But, we'll handle that in a little bit. You and I need to talk."

Vic frowned, "Yeah we do, don't we? The baby."

"The baby," Kellin confirmed and took Vic's hand. "We're going to have the baby, it's inevitable and if it wasn't supposed to happen then the Moon Goddess wouldn't have let it happen. She's a bit of a meddler if you haven't noticed."

Vic laughed and nodded, playing with Kellin's fingers. "Yeah I guess there's nothing we can really do. Do you think we're going to be good parents?"

Kellin smiled, "I think so, I think we're ready for this you know? Yeah, it's kinda fast but you and I both had to have seen this coming, what with you being a stupid ass Alpha who's incredibly fertile."

"Oh shut up," Vic said and pushed Kellin onto his back and crawled on top of him. "I really am sorry for doing that to you. I shouldn't have snapped or yelled at you like that. We're going to be parents and my reaction was far from what it should have been."

Kellin smiled up at him and wrapped his legs around Vic's waist, "It's fine, but if you ever get like that with me again I won't hesitate to go all Luna on your ass. You may be the Alpha, but I'm the Luna and I'm the one that keeps you in check."

Vic laughed and gave him a kiss, "Sounds good."

"Good," Kellin said. "I was thinking, we haven't done it in this room yet you know."

Vic tsked, "Oh you're right. I guess we're going to have to change that. But are you sure that it's going to be fine what with the baby and all?"

Kellin nodded, "Yeah, it'll be just fine. He's only like three weeks."

Vic nodded, "Well I'll be careful anyway. Don't want our baby to see his dad's burrito."

"Oh my Goddess," Kellin laughed loudly, pushing Vic off of him. "Get out."

The Alpha laughed and gave his mate another kiss, they were going to be just fine.  

The Stray and the Divine |Kellic|Where stories live. Discover now