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Panic spread through Alan's veins as he saw his best friend lying in front of him, unconscious, bleeding. Danielle had done a number on him and the little ginger was absolutely terrified. There was nothing to do, he couldn't save his best friend, he couldn't even take care of himself, or his baby. How on earth would he be able to save Kellin?

Alan bit his lip and got on his knees in front of his best friend and pulled off his shirt, wiping at Kellin's forehead, working to clean the blood off of his best friend's face carefully.

"Kells, wake up," Alan whispered, shaking Kellin's shoulder, working to wake him. How long had Kellin even been unconscious? Alan didn't even know.

"Oh he won't be waking up for quite some times I presume," a deep voice said, walking into the room, his hands held behind his back as he watched the small omega work to wake the other wolf.

"W-who are you?" Alan whimpered, looking at the tall rogue wolf watching him. Goddess, Alan felt so weak, so helpless, he felt like the omega he truly was. And, he hated it.

"I don't think that truly matters does it? Just know I'm the reason those two bitches are getting their so called payback." The rogue said with an evil laugh. "They seem to be convinced that your mates are actually theirs. Idiots."

"W-what do you m-mean?"

"I mean, as soon as your little mates come swooping in to save you, they're going to be dead. Well, not Victor, I plan on having some fun with him. Something, I regrettably didn't get to do with his dear old daddy."

Alan frowned, he didn't understand.

What did Alpha Fuentes have to do with this rogue and Danielle and Pamela kidnapping him and Kellin?

Then it hit the ginger.

This was the rogue who killed Alpha Fuentes.

Alan stared at the man in wide eyed, terrified shock.

"Yo-You killed the Alpha?" Alan said quietly.

"Does it really matter who I killed? Just know that I've killed and he's not the first, nor will he be the last." The Rogue stated.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, mustering up all of his courage as he started trying to shake Kellin awake once again, this was something his Luna needed to hear, talk about. Kellin's eyes blinked open, his eyes fluttering open, sitting up disoriented when he heard the rogue speak.

"Why would I tell you? You're just a little, weak omega." The rogue spat out, anger boiled within Kellin as he heard the words spoken to his bed friend. He hated that, hated how a simple status could matter so much, even to a fucking rogue of all people.

The rogue looked over the two wolves, disgusted. The temptation to just kill the wolves to hurt the Alpha and Beta was overwhelming. But he couldn't, not when he had so much riding on this. He wanted Victor to feel the pain, see his mate in front of him, in complete and total pain and let him feel every single second of the pain.

That's what the bastard deserved after what his father fucking did to him.

He deserved to suffer.

"Vic! I got a scent!" Austin yelled through the link as he caught a hold of a rogue's scent and started tracking it, Vic trotted over and followed the smell when they found themselves in front of what looked to be a small cottage. The entire place smelled of Kellin and Alan which got both wolves absolutely riled up.

"They're in there," Vic snarled, smelling not only his mate's scent, but also the putrid stench of multiple rogue wolves. "We're going to need back up."

"You think so?" Austin asked, smelling around some more. "Vic, my pregnant mate is in there."

"So is mine Austin but, we can't just go in there guns blazing. We need to plan what we're going to do. We don't know who or what's in there." Russet said, his hackles rising, as Vic started working on a plan.

"Tony, I need you to take over the pack, make sure the civilians don't know what's going on at the moment. Mike, spike up the patrols, don't let anyone in or out of the pack lands no matter what. Jaime send out all of your scouts to alert the neighboring wolves that something's going on. Oliver, I want you to bring all of your best hunters and find Austin and me immediately."

Jaime was the first to respond, "What would you like them to say? What's going on?"

"Rogues have taken Kellin and Alan, I want the surrounding packs to make sure their Luna's are protected and that nothing will happen to them. I also want them to be alerted about the threat." Vic said as Russet continued sniffing around, looking for any weak spots in the building.

Austin and his wolf, searched with his Alpha as they waited for Oliver to arrive with his wolves.

"So, you have a plane I'm guessing?" Austin said, watching his best friend and Alpha.

"I do."

"Care to share?"

Vic said nothing as he gave Austin a wolfy grin and informed him about what was going to happen. He finished up just as Oliver came with his best hunters.

"Alright, Austin shift." Vic instructed as Oliver dropped the two pairs of pants from his mouth in front of the two wolves. Vic and Austin shifted and quickly pulled the pants on before looking at one another, Vic concentrated and made sure everyone's scent was completely shielded before he walked to the door and opened it carefully.

"You find the one who took them, I'll find our mates." Austin said, and gave him a look.

"Make sure nothing happens to my baby- both of them," Vic told him as they stepped in. "Oliver, make sure the wolves don't move until Austin and I say when."

Oliver nodded his large wolf head as the two went into the cottage, Vic following the stench of the rogue, Austin following the smell of his mate and his Luna.

"You've kept me waiting," the rogue said as Vic found him in a room his hands crossed behind his back as he stared out the window at the wolves silently waiting for their Alpha's order. A growl ripped through Vic's chest as he bounded towards him ready.

Austin found himself walking downstairs to a basement, the lights off. He looked around, his eyes adjusting to the darkness when he noticed the large, silver cage in the middle of the room. Lying inside were his mates.


Austin fell to the ground, his hand going to his head as he felt something hit him. Pamela scowled down at him.

"I'm sorry baby, but I really didn't want you to see them. That would ruin everything," the she wolf stated as she looked down at her unconscious mate. This was not going to plan at all but that would change as long as the rogue held up his part of the bargain.

The Stray and the Divine |Kellic|Where stories live. Discover now