Chapter 2 - Happy Wheels

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(not the game!)

a couple of weeks had past and seemed like we weren't going back to school anytime soon "buzz" I looked down at my phone, on my desk

???: Happy Wheels?

Taria: where?

???: junction square

Taria: time?

???: 10:15pm - 2:15

Taria: sure, you got cash?

???: yeah I'm loaded, you?

Taria: yeah same, I'll be there

???: you better be

I turned off my phone and grabbed my bag, I slipped it in and slipped out of my room and into the kitchen, there was just silence, I looked at the notice board on the fridge, "gone out to dinner with your dad" oh I forgot to mention, my parents are divorced and there trying their hardest to get back the spark they had, well that's what mum had said "nice", I said and grabbed my cash from the countertop. I made my way into the garage with my bag hanging off one shoulder, I pulled off the old blanket that kept betty clean, her smooth black and silver body and high back rise, with a huge light design would make any boy fall in love with the girl who rode it, well the other way round but I was the one riding it but that wasn't the purpose of why I brought it, it was so I could show off and at least be half of what I truly could be.

I sat down on the leather seat and brought out my key's from the pocket of my jacket, I pressed down on the garage remote, the garage started moving up slowly, I put my black helmet on the visors was tainted black, so no one would know me, I put the key in the ignition and reeved the engine as it came to life, I rode out of the garage and onto the street, still doing the expected speed limit, I soon hit the main road and accelerated, feeling the rush of air against my skin made me hungry for more. I slowed down to a halt, bright lights, music and the occasional yell or whoop filled the abounded junction square, once a happy place, now a dump and the streets well they were just beckoning for drag races and Happy Wheels. Happy Wheels was sort of made as a code first but we soon realized that it fit so perfectly so about every two months they would a happy wheels gathering, why we named it that you ask is because of how the tyres would screech when taking off at the starting line, and the amount of happiness and competiveness would fill the air, that is why it was called Happy Wheels, a code that sadly the cops would be dumb enough to fall for and be clueless as to what we meant if happy wheels was ever found.

I rode slowly into the crowd as the people made way for me, I stopped near two other motorbikes, I looked around as I got up, three motorbikes that's not enough for a race I thought in front of me the crowd parted as another racer came through on a black vintage BMW, the owner of the bike must had spent a lot of time with it, giving it new coats after coats of paint and then polishing it, I hated people that would do it. They were so obsessed, the guy riding the BMW fit it perfectly, broad and strong built although I hadn't seen him in any races, I sure had a enemy now, this is going to be fun I thought. He stopped and took off his helmet, his dark brown reached his shoulders in jiggered cuts and his eyes were determined as he scanned the area, I didn't bother going up to him and shaking his hand because I had no interest in him what so ever "LISTEN UP HAPPY WHEELERS!", a guy said his voice ringing around the place as he stood up on the stage THIS IS THE NEW YEAR, SO FOR THE FIRST RACE HOW ABOUT WE START OFF NICELY!", the happy wheelers looked at each other then they looked towards the stage as I did too, "YOUR OUT!", we shouted and some one pushed him off the stage in the process grabbing the microphone.

I laughed and felt a someone poke my shoulder, I spun around to face Logan "hello Taria", he said and smiled "hello Logan", I said and hugged him, he hugged back, and he ruffled my blue bit of hair making it fluff up, I looked back to the stage "who did he think he was", I said sarcastically and turned back to Logan "god", he said and shrugged I laughed "hey did you say the new guy", I asked as I saw him weave in between the crowd and finally stop at his motorbike, with a cold one in hand Logan shook his head "never seen him, let's hope that he isn't trouble", Logan said, still staring at the stranger, "LINE UP, FIRST RACERS... THE MOTORBIKERS!",, the new guy on stage yelled "well that's me", I said to Logan and then walked back to my bike, leaving him standing there "SMASH EM'", Logan shouted at me, I put a thumbs up and got onto my bike, I walked/rode over to the starting line and put one foot on the pedal, and the other on the ground, balancing me.

The stranger came up beside me, his head turned towards the road in front of us, revving his vintage bmw, I revved mine, and leaned down a bit, pushing forward. I smirked from under the helmet this will just be like practices, I thought as I looked to my left and saw a downgrade, this meant that he either just made it through or he is not fit enough to do anymore races, unless he can prove himself worthy and a true happy wheeler, "ON YOUR MARK'S" my heart was thumping, as the lights turned red "GET SET", the lights turned orange, I revved my engine, "GO" the light turned green, my bike swerved to side as I took off, and then I was back on course. The first bend came up and I leaned to the side and turned, I straighten back up. the new guy was keeping up surprisingly and the one that was on my left was now far behind.

I lifted my bike off the ground as we flew off the ramp, then came crashing back down on road, the suspension making me jump a little, the finish line was in view and there was no sign of that guy, I hit the finish line skidding sideways and coming to a halt, leaving tyre marks behind. I pumped my fist in the air, as a breeze flew by I turned around to see the newbie, he took off his helmet and now in the light I could see, he was quite broad and his face reminded me of someone, who I couldn't quite grasp. Distant sirens froze the crowd RUN a shout rang out from the crowd and they scrambled towards their vehicles, Logan rode up beside me "you coming", he said and flashed a smile. We rode off, with the other happy wheelers and then turned off into a alleyway that lead to the backstreets, there we would be safe until the cost was clear.

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