Chapter 4 - A Blur To Life

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"So what brings you here", I asked, looking at Pietro he seemed to think for a bit "don't know, I guess I just found my way here", he said and shrugged as if it didn't matter Knock, Knock I looked towards the entrance to see Natalie, her silhouette on the floor and the sun outlined her body "oh hey", I said confused as to why she would be here "Taria! oh good... wait whose he?", Natalie asked, I got up and walked towards her and pushed her outside "umm... first of all DON'T explode, because well...", "yeah", "it's Pietro", I finished "WHAT!", she nearly screamed "keep your voice down!", I said sternly, her eyes were wide like those vinyl pop figurines, she covered her mouth "thank you", I said and sighed "I thought it was him but isn't he dead, that means someone revived him", Natalie said quickly "slow down", I said and face palmed myself.

"Get a hold of yourself woman! look his pretty beaten up so keep quiet and don't stare", I snapped as she was peering in, she jumped and turned around, I raised my eyebrow "right", she said. I rolled my eyes and walked back in with Natalie trailing aimlessly behind me I could tell she was trying to look at everything else beside Pietro, I stopped at the table Pietro was calm which was good, Pietro this is my friend Natalie, I wasn't expecting her today but just in case you and Natalie meet again I thought I might do the intro now", I said and gestured towards Natalie, Pietro stood up and held out his hand towards Natalie, she was staring at the floor and now she is the introvert person, I sighed and nudged her in side she looked up "huh", she said and looked at Pietro's hand, she took control of her emotions and reached out for the his hand, at least hers wasn't shaking, they shook hands and Pietro smiled, I thought then and there that Natalie would faint, I moved behind her but she didn't "so Natalie, is it?", Pietro asked "yes that's my name", Natalie said "nice to meet you", he said Natalie nodded her vigorously, "hey Natalie do you think you can get the first aid kit", I said as she dazed off, "huh, oh yes", she said and scurried off to find the med kit.

"She's a fan", I said "but she did have a good point how are you alive exactly", I asked and sat down on the table he rubbed the back of his head "I seriously don't remember anything sorry", he said apologetically "it's okay, but if she does go a bit crazy, just ignore her or tell me", I said he shook his head "FOUND IT", Natalie yelled from one of the room branching off from the hallway, she came running out and placed it on the table "Natalie seeing how your good at tending to wounds can you give me some help please", I said and smiled but inside I was laughing so hard as a dark pink blush crept onto her face, she turned her head away "is there a problem", Pietro asked, while turning to look at me "oh, no don't worry she fine", I said and smirked.

"So is there anywhere else your hurt", I said as we finished with his arms and legs, he looked a bit hesitant at first but shook his head, he took off one of the spare grey running tops I gave him, it was skin tight but even that had Natalie acting weird, I looked towards Natalie and kicked her, she jolted awake from her daze but her attention was back on those six packs of his and I thought she was going to nosebleed to death as her face went pale, my attention however was on, a long gash across his chest on the left side luckily he wasn't bleeding so I grabbed the cream and started applying it to the gash, he winched and pulled back but regretted it "stay still please", I said.

I think Natalie was the one pretty banged up after we had finished, I tried not to make it look like she couldn't stand and guided her to my bedroom, I had showed Pietro where he could stay, the night. "did I do anything embarrassing", Natalie asked for the first time coming out of her trance, I shrugged my shoulders "nah, besides staring at him and nearly having a nosebleed which would of caused you to faint afterwards", I said and smirked, she frowned at me and then pouted what at least I tried to make it less awkward as possible while you could check him out I said teasingly, Natalie punched me in the arm and I laughed, she grumbled something "what was that grumble guts", I asked and raised an eyebrow "nothing", she grumbled, wait I thought and smiled "be right back", I said and ran out the door leaving a confused looking Natalie, crept through hallway careful not to make a sound as to not disturb our guest, I then ran out into the kitchen and pulled the freezer door open and grabbed two tubs from a selection of six, I grabbed two spoons and then rushed back.

I jumped onto the bed careful not to lose my balance "what", Natalie said and then her eyes widened at the site of two ice cream contains, I gave one to her and we ripped the lids off, she grabbed her spoon in but it bent as it made contact with the hard solid, "sorry?", Natalie asked, we both burst out laughing but then remembered Pietro, we covered our mouths so it became a muffled giggle "well there's only one way" I said seriously and dove face first in, I started franticly licking the sugary content, I heard Natalie laugh and then "ow", I looked up my nose cold, I licked the ice cream off my nose and laughed "that hurt", Natalie said "well that's what you get", I said simply and went back to licking my ice cream.

We stayed like that until midnight and by then we still hadn't finished, our delicious ice cream.


I was hungry don't blame me that my first thought was ice cream

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