Chapter 3 - Guest

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I fell onto my bed and wriggled underneath the sheets even though my curtains were closed, daylight still seeped in between the cracks, I stuffed my head into the pillow and groaned, another boring day I thought as I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, even as tempting it was... I got up, my hair a mess and dark bags under my eyes great look I thought as I stepped into the shower. I stepped out and shivered, cold showers had never been my favourites but I needed something to wake me up, I slipped on my grey top and made my way out into the main part of the warehouse, thump I froze as I closed the door quietly, I whipped out my pocket knife and snuck towards the open door way, I peeked in. There was no one, or was there, I closed my eyes and opened them again blinking, everything was thermal now, I saw an outline of a male adult sleeping on the couch. I blinked, my vision back to normal I stalked towards the edge of the couch and looked over. It was a man, he looked about in his twenties but what second guessed me was his silver, whitish hair that covered his face, he was covered in bruises and scratches, his white one piece clothes however remind me of a high tech prison out in the galaxy, the material was supposed to control the powers of his or hers, so they couldn't use them when they wearing it. I put my knife away sensing him not as a threat but someone in need.

I left him there and headed to the kitchen, the only thing separating it from the main warehouse which was what we were in, was a wall with a window cut into it, I reached for the pancake mix and got out a pan. Crash I turned the stove off and rushed towards the couch, he lay there struggling to get up, I put my arms around his waist, he was surprisingly light and I lifted him back onto the couch, he looked dazed. I couched in front of him and smiled only a little bit, I now noticed he was well toned and this goes to show that I don't take much notice of people at first glance, he looked at me and our eyes locked, his eyes blue as the sea "are you okay", I said quietly and touched his arm, intending to cause him pain, he winced and shook his head "where am I", he said, his voice thick in Russian "do you not remember how you got here", I asked "no, not exactly... WAIT how can I trust you", he growled and pounced on me, I rolled to the side as he missed and crashed into the floor, I scrambled back over, confused about how his reaction time could so fast, seeing him hurt and banged up.

I put a hand on his back as his breathing came out heavy "I'm not here to hurt you', I said gently and eased him back so he could lean against the bottom of the couch, he looked at me, his hair half covering his face and his expression full of hope "really", he said quietly "yeah", I said and smiled, I remembered the pancakes "hungry", I asked he nodded his head and licked his cracked, dry lips I put myself underneath his arm for support and lifted him up, we limped over to the wooden table and I settled him in a seat, I ran back into the kitchen and turned the stove back on as I cooked the rest of the pancakes.

I walked back over to the table with a plate full of steaming pancakes, and in the other hand maple syrup and chocolate sauce, I handed him an empty plate and sat down as I let him have first pick, then I went for mine. "so what's your name?", I asked halfway through eating a pancake, I never was the lady type he looked at me still not trusting, and then looked down



short chapter... was intended! (and cliff hanger too...!)

yeah it's been a while since i've updated, sorry for that but had writers block and other stuff going on... anyway (I was really watching anime, cause I got into it, I do suggest if you do want to watch anime, watch guilty crowns, it's really good!)

The War Angel (avengers infinity war fanfiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now