Chapter 8 - Business

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"Come through", Bucky said and started walking down the hallway, I followed suit with the others, the end of the hallway opened up to a huge room. The walls were yellow and decaying, three worn couches facing a TV and a kitchen to the left of us "one hell of a place", I heard Natalie mumble, Bucky walked over to a frosted door and turned us, he held up his finger and we waited patiently. He knocked on the door and then it opened revealing Steve A.K.A captain America, he looked towards us and froze as his gaze landed on Pietro "Pietro I see you walked it off like I said", Steve said and smiled.

Steve walked over and then enveloped Pietro in a hug, after they let go of each I coughed and cleared my thought, "it's nice to see that your finally been reunited but I have something important to discuss with you and if there is anymore of your teammates here, if I may", I asked authority clear in my voice, he nodded his head", Natalie looked at me "what business", she hissed "just something I need to discuss with them", I whispered back and walked off to the frosted door that was held open for me, I walked through but took one last look at Natalie, I smiled as to reassure her but she didn't look overall happy.

I moved up further as to let Bucky and Steve in, Steve closed the door and pushed past, he walked three metres up before he stopped at another door, I followed and walked into the room. A long conference table with a interactive board filled the room, the walls were sound proof to perfection, Steve sat down at the head of the table while Bucky sat opposite of him I however stood meaning business "it's in your favour that Pietro is alive but I did not just come here to escort him, I'm sure my friend would of been fine on her own however there's something bigger at play", I said they looked at each other and then they look at me "you believe that someone actually brought him to life", Steve questioned "yes but whoever did they might just have the power to bring back the dead, which I'm sure you already consider as to what your up against?", I asked "why us", Bucky asked "Pietro might of came to me, on accident but why would someone be interested in bringing back an avenger, have you consider that it might be a sign perhaps", I finished and sat down on the chair.

Steve and Bucky seemed to think for a bit "so what do you want", Steve asked bluntly, my hand fluttered to my heart to show that I had taken offense but I hadn't, I made sure I had eye contact with Steve and he had mine "rogers, I don't think it's a case of want, it's a case of need, I am not entwined with any business only my own, I have no attention of harming any one of you, it was just a mere question, an opinion actually as to what you think happened... maybe even know?", I asked "how did you know we where here", Bucky spoke up "I'm afraid your going to have to up your system, and it's also known for undercover superheros to have hid out like these", I said clearly concerned and gestured around the room.

Steve looked back at Bucky and they made eye contact, Steve broke away to look back at me "I'm sorry if we're no help but we had no idea", Steve said honestly "don't apologize your just in the dark as I. I had an hunch that you would just be confused as I was but these are the thing we need to consider about our present and for the closet people around us", I said finishing the conversation, I stood up as did Steve and Bucky "I see you still don't trust me and I understand", I said " well it's not everyday a hot chick from a motorcycle race comes knocking at your door for information", Bucky said casually, I smirked "well your right about one thing", I said his face turned to confusion as he looked back at Steve, Steve just smiled and shook his head.

We made our way back out into the main room but Pietro and Natalie weren't alone, I stood awaited for the intro of the other well known avengers who was all over Pietro, Steve coughed "Clint", Steve said Clint looked up at me, I smiled genuinely "this is...", Steve looked at me "how rude of me, I'm Taria, Natalie's friend", I said and held out my hand, he stood up from the floor and shook it "nice to meet you Taria", he said, I nodded my head in acknowledgement as I looked over Clint's shoulder and saw Natalie happy with Pietro as they played a board game "I think it would take some time to persuade Natalie to leave, you don't mind if she stays as we have further business to discuss", I said and turned to towards Steve "that's fine, we have a few extra rooms", he said smiling "thank you", I said "well I better take my leave", I exclaimed "why don't you stay for dinner", Clint asked hopeful "well if I'm not to much of a burden", I said, mentally taking in the state of myself "no, your not", Steve said and smiled I nodded my head and made myself comfortable on one of the couches.

I watched Natalie, Pietro and Clint play battleships, I didn't know how they could do three but I guess it was good enough my happy thoughts were diverted back to past thoughts and scenes I wished to forgot but alas it made what I am today, I hope in the eyes of the people of the word that I'm not just a monster but perhaps a silver lining as I once was when I fell from heaven and then rose from hell to protect and the living and the dead.

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