Chapter 11- It's Time... Gather The Team

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I shouldn't have done that, how could I be so stupid, I thought, it had been 4 hour since a full conversation and team cap well I understood their trust in me, but seriously they can't avoid eye contact forever so why did they see that I was a threat I'm not.... am I? there is a war raging on, no it hasn't even started yet keep calm Taria everything will go back to normal again, just trust in yourself and that demon of yours and everything will be fine.

We stopped, the road that we had been walking beside kept stretching into the setting sun, for miles on either side of the road, there was nothing but green paddocks empty of it's inhabitants... it was going to be a long journey. The sounds of a chopper far in the sky caught my ears, I looked up to the west there in the clouds a plane of the sought with large roaders blades lowered to the ground as it came closer to us, the wind whipped about me as it landed. The black body would camouflage us through the night. We ran forward as the hatch opened up into the haul, we climbed on and sat on the seats that were provided. I stood staring out as the hatch slowly closed.

We rose into the sky, I zoned out, how long had been since I felt the wind whipping in my face above those clouds, soaring over the battlefield as shots rang out and loud explosion could be heard from miles. Flying with the bombers and the emengcy helicopters, I didn't belong to the country but never the less I served it without hesitation. Yes I was once a pilot but I didn't pilot a plane no, I rode on great wings of steel, as I dove in and out helping my comrades and saving them from the possibility of death. I served that country well but I payed a devastating amount leaving me no where and an no one.

I turned my head towards the cockpit, looking out towards the stars and the rising glow of the moon, soon...

"Were here", Clint said as he got out of the pilots seat, I glanced at Natalie. her skin had taken on a deathly pale colour, and she shook, I rushed forwards and put out my arms just in time to catch her. my mind went to panic mode "HELP!", I shouted. Pietro was right in front of me he picked her up and zoomed out, I quickly spun around and watched as he disappeared with her, my breathing got caught in my throat, I slowly walked out of the plane, unsure if my legs would carry me. I stumbled forwards only to caught by Bucky, I looked up at him his eye full of worry.

He slung my arm around his shoulder and gently held onto it while he put his other arm around my waist, we walked ever slowly towards the entrance of the avengers tower. I sat down on one of the couches facing a unimpressed tony, his eyes scanned over us. The rest of the team was behind me, while Bucky accompanied me on the couch "what happened?", he said "we ran into a bit of trouble", Steve said "trouble, yes well of course that would be the case SEEING HOW YOU ARE STILL WITH HIM!", tony shouted "the trouble we ran into, is going to come looking for you too", I said blankly tony eyes snapped towards me "and who is she?", tony asked.

"Taria, I used to be in the force", I said "at this age, how old are you 16?", tony huffed, I kept my calm as my nerves were going hay wire "no, I'm 18 and I had an uncle who served in the army and his dad, dad served in the world war two", I said, he titled his to the side only a fraction "had?", he asked "it's personal but if it's the only way to get your head out of your ass then yes, he is dead!", I said raising my voice "now, excuse me I've got to check on Natalie", I added, getting up and stiffly walking away from the conversation that seemed to be going no where.

I kept my eyes on the elevator the whole entire time, I pressed the button and waited I knew that they would be looking at me but I ignored the curiosity to see if I was right, the door slid open and I stepped inside. The doors slid shut and I waited in the lavish elevator as it went down floors. I stepped out into a well lit hallway, I looked down to the right, and could just see glass windows. I made my way down, my feet hardly making a sound on the polished marble floor, I came to a stop at a glass door beside it was a key code, but I knew I wouldn't need. I put my hand against the door and slid it to the side with ease.

Natalie lay on a bed in the centre of a clean room, filled with hospital machines and equipment, I touched her cheek, she was still cold and nor did her eyes flutter open at my touch, I turned towards one of the monitors, I pulled out the swivel chair and sat down. my fingers danced over the keys as my eyes, scanned the information. I stopped and backspaced once that was done, I typed in flu and left it there. I turned back around to Natalie, I stood up and made my way to the door I took one final glance at her sleeping form, and then I walked out into the hallway, I turned around and faced the door.

Faint black mist circled the door, the door came out of the wall and slid shut but in doing, it moulded itself to the doorframe. I turned away knowing now that Natalie was safe, from what was just about to go down when I reach the top floor.

The War Angel (avengers infinity war fanfiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now