Chapter 2

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Picture of what Tate looks like.

When Tate and I pulled up to fresh springs highschool, I climbed out of Tates car and to no surprise all eyes were on me. Everyone knew there was a new kid, they just didn't know who she is.

As Tate and I walked to the office I got tons of glares from the girls and whistles from guys and there was a lot of whispering.

"I'm gonna go to my locker, call me if you need anything." Giving me a quick hug before he turned and left.

As I open the office door, some dumb shot slams into me, making me fall onto the hard, cold floor.

"Maybe you should watch where your going next time." I heard a low voice say, a voice that I have come to hate.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled standing up to come face to well chest with the one person I didn't want to see.
"Here's another suggestion maybe you should open your fucking eyes for once, the world doesn't revolve around you jackass." I said in a harsh tone that showed my irritation.

"Your the new girl army you?" He asked while scanning my body from head to toe.

"Yea I am, so move the fuck out of my road so I can get my shit." I said using my shoulder to bath him out of the road as I walked past him. As I got past him, he turned around and grabbed my ass. That's was the last straw I turned quickly and punched him with a great amount of force which caused him to fall to the ground. I knelt down next to him " touch me one more time and you'll need reconstructive surgery when I'm done beating the crap out of you. You sex crazed, no brained, fuckhead." I whispered just loud enough so that all the guys and girls knew o wasn't going to take anyone's crap.

As I walked out of the office I came face to face with a smiling Tate.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked him while he grabbed my class schedule and started reading it.

"Your in all my classes!" Tate yelled excitedly handing me back my class schedule.

"You haven't answered my question." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

" I heard you punched Fennris and threatened him." He said smiling Evan bigger to the stage he looked like chesher cat from Alice's adventure in wonderland.

"So what if I did." I said heading to my locker which happened to be right next to Tates.

"It's about time someone hit that snobby, man whoring, fuckboy." He said grabbing his books for our first class and guess what it's English. Yay (note the sarcasm.)

As Tate and I walked into our class everyone was staring and whispering things like "who's the new girl, damn she's hot as fuck, didn't she punch Fennris, is that Tate who's with her?" I just smiled at the thought that no-one knew it was me I mean who would. I was the invisible nerd who was getting picked on 2 years ago and now I'm the sexy, badass new girl who punched Fennris.

As I walked in the classroom all eyes were on me. I scanned the room and saw fennris with a big black eye. I giggled quietly until I realised the only seat left was next to fennris. Fucking great I have to be near the fuckboy, man whoring dickhead.

"Fuck my life." I whispered to my self.

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