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January 3, 2017

"are you really shawn peter raul mendes?"

"full name, eh? i'm sorry but who are you?"

"erm, i'm the girl from yesterday."

"the scaredy-cat girl?"

"i would prefer ashley winston."

"the girl who is scared of cockroach called ashley. oh, i see."

"it's called katsaridaphobia."


"katsaridaphobia. a fear of cockroaches."

"i'm amused."

"what do you mean?"

"it was ridiculous hahaha."

"i'm so embarrassed and stupid for not recognizing your voice and also for calling the wrong number."

"guess you're not my fan?"

"i am. maybe i was panicked and my mind gone wild because of that freaking cockroach!"

"must be. but how did you get my number?"

"i've just changed my phone and i haven't saved anyone number in yet and the first number i remembered is my best friend, samantha's number so i key in hers and called but then i didn't realize that i pressed the wrong number."

"katsaphobia makes you go crazy."

"it's kat-sa-ri-da-pho-bia."


"shawn, where's your 'ri'?"

"what ri? oh kat-sari-daphobia."


"new word of the day taught by ashley winston!"

"ahhhh! omg! you pronounced my first and last name!"


"can't help it."

"promise me one thing."

"woah, promise what?"

"that you won't leak my number."

"of course, i won't."

"okay good."

"erm shawn, i wanna apologize for disturbing you yesterday."

"and the screaming."

"ya, the screaming. i'm so sorry."

"and also hanging up on me after you just know that i'm shawn mendes."

"i was shocked and right now, i still can't believe i'm talking to shawn mendes, the famous singer!"

"yeah, you're talking to him right now. you really need to believe that, scaredy-cat."


"you see you really amused me. let's talk again someday."

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