thirty four

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June 12, 2017

"hey peter, are you ok?"

"yeah im ok. why did you ask?"

"i saw the video that you scolded this guy and accusing him for selling your autograph."

"i'm not accusing."

"you used vulgarities to scold him and you know that's not right, right?"

"yeah, i know. i was mad that time."

"then why did you use it? it's rude, you know."

"i'm trying to defend myself, ashley. and it's not like i don't want to give him my autograph. he did said he want to sell it and i'm just scared he want to use that signature for other purposes."

"okay, i understand."

"let's drop the subject. i have something to ask you."


"have you received the gift yet?"

"right about that it still haven't arrive yet."

"call me if it have arrived, alright?"

"will do, peter pan."

"peter pan, huh?"

"i love peter pan."

"you love me?"

"erm i mean the fiction character not you okay!"


"hehe gotta go."

"bye. take care."

𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now