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August 31, 2017

"im home sweet home."

"welcome back to canada, peter raul!"

"aw no surprise and balloons?"

"sorry. i'm at my work place now."

"oh shit your boss is going to kill you if he saw you on phone."

"no worries. *chuckle* he's not around."

"luckily haha. erm can i ask you something?"


"do you want to follow me to zacbrown band concert later at 8pm after your work ends?"

"who's that?"

"just a country band. you're up for it? i can fetch you from your workplace and we c-"



"i would love to go but i have overtime till 10pm."


"i'm sorry."

"it's okay. don't need to apologize. but you have school tomorrow right?"

"yes. it's a 24 hours cafe and out of all he picked me to work overtime. he just can't understand that i'm a freaking student that need rest too."

"let me talk to your boss."

"woah, are you serious? he would be shocked if he saw you."


"his a fan of yours."

"omg wow hahaha awesome."

"i know right. he's jealous that i get to go to your concert last week."

"really? how old is he?"


"he's young to be a boss."

"his dad is the ceo and gave the cafe to him."


"oh shit he's coming."

"i'll see you later!"

"what do you mean? ok wtv bye have fun!"

"what do you mean? ok wtv bye have fun!"

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it's 10pm

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it's 10pm. ashley was the only one left in the cafe. she quickly grabbed her things and locked the store.

"what a day," she sighed.

"need a ride?" a familiar voice asked. she turned around and saw her boss, christian.

"oh hey boss, i thought you went home already?"

"yeah i did. i'm here because i want to check if you really stay till 10pm. it's your first overtime anyways," he replied.

what a jerk. ashley thought.

"of course, i would," she scoffed.

"so you want a ride home?"

"no thanks. i can call an uber."

"did you just reject your boss here?" he asked.

ashley wanted to answer back but then a car stopped infront of us and honked.

the driver exited his jeep and take off his shade.

"peter raul!" ashley yelled with happiness.

"rose," he said with a grinned.

surprisingly and luckily he's here to safe her from this bossy boss.

"shawn mendes?!" christian yelled.

"yes i am. don't be too loud," shawn spoke.

there's no one around accept for the three of them. the street here was quite quiet.

"can i take picture with you?" christian asked.


"ashley come here take picture for us faster," he ordered.

she grabbed his phone and capture it.

"ashley, wait for me in the car," shawn said and opened the passenger door for her.

"thank you," she smiled.

shawn closed the door gently and confront christian about ashley.

ashley looked outside from the jeep's window and was wondering what took shawn so long.

after the tconcert. he jumped in his jeep and smiled at ashley.

"all done," he said.

ashley blushed when he make eye contact with her.

"you know where's my house at?" she asked.

"yup. let's go," he drove off.

[ a/n so i decided to write what happened after the concert. it's just a short one. comment if you would like to see more of like this xx ]

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