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July 21, 2017

"hey ash! guess what?!"

"woah chill. you sounds super excited."

"of course because today is the best day of my life!"

"spill the beans!"

"i attended a party with my idol, ed sheeran. he is such an amazing guy!"

"wow! that's amazing!"

"but then ed took my hat and put it on another guy's head while we were singing hahaha."

"wait i thought you need to perform at san antonio?"

"yes, another few hours i need to arrive at the location. so i'm free now."

"oh so free time meaning we can talk more longer!"

"sadly no, i have to get ready in 20 minutes."


"don't be sad. i will call you again when i'm free, alright?"

"okies! so i've noticed that you've been wearing button up shirt eh?"

"yeah because someone said that i'm too common and recommend me to change it button up shirt cause it will look hot on me."

"who said that?"

"you. remember?"


"yes that time."

"oh shit. i'm so sorry i didn't know that it really offend you."

"it's okay. i agreed too that tshirt is too mainstream and i really love wearing those button up tshirt."

"me too. i mean you look wow."

"wow? you mean hot, sexy, handsome, ch-"


"yes what?"

"hot sexy all that."

"i want to hear you says, "shawn peter raul mendes is the hottest person ever on earth" before we hang up."

"hang up? i don't want to say it then. can we talk abit longer pleaseee?"

"no, cutiepie. i gotta go. say it for me please? to you know motivate me to perform later."

"okay. shawn peter raul mendes is the ugliest person ever on earth."

"hey! i take back the cutiepie."

"hey! fine. shawn peter raul mendes is the hottest person ever on earth!"

"that's more like it. btw, i need you to choose the colour of the shirt for later. so grey, blue or black?"

"black. cause it suits everything."

"aright then. bye cutiepie!"

"good luck!"

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[a/n sorry for not updating it on the day itself because i need to confirm if the informations was correct or not. 😢🙏💘]

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