thirty nine

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July 7, 2017

"good morning, ashley!"

"morning. ugh how can you sound so cheerful in the morning?

"cause i'm excited for you to hear my new song that i randomly composed that time."

"alright hit me up, mendes."

"it's on YouTube. just type she'll be the one shawn mendes and you will see the video of me performing at portland last night. my morning voice sucks so i won't sing."

"your morning voice is nice. i love it."

"you love it? i should call you in the morning often then."

"if you don't mind. haha kidding. btw i'm gonna listen to your new song now on my laptop."

"alright. i need your opinion and feedback."


"how was it?"


"woah serious? why sucks?"

"hahaha i'm just kidding, peter."

"ashley rose winston, my love, honest opinion please."

"aw you call me my love."

"you like it when i call you that?"

"hehe it's cute. okay ignore that. here's my 100% honest opinion. beautiful and special. the ohs is dayum. must be for someone, eh?"


"what? why secret? tell me please i won't tell anyone."

"i will tell you one day. till next time, rose."

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