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January 7, 2017

"why did you hang up yesterday night and didn't answer my call?"

"because first of all, that fish word come out from your mouth and you said 'k, you too'."

"i do curse but not always. and i just told you what's 'k' stands for, for me and maybe for others."

"coming from shawn mendes, eh?"

"at least i said the curse word, not fish."

"excuse me, peter raul. i don't curse that much and also it's not appropriate to curse you."

"what do you mean?"

"i mean i'm just a lucky girl who gets to talk to you on phone."

"a very lucky girl because i just followed you on Instagram and Twitter before i called you."

"what?! are you serious?"

"100% serious."

"my friends gonna freak out if they saw you followed me!"

"you or them freaking out?"

"both? but people at my school gonna question me since there's a lot of your fans there!"

"chill, ash."

"how am i supposed to answer them?"

"just answer that you don't know?"

"geez. they won't believe that."

"erm sorry, i gotta go, ash. i can't talk to you right now cause i'm performing next at my friend's wedding. just think of a way cause i won't unfollow you. bye, love."

"sh- urgh!"

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