Ch.42- Not so new girl, welcome to physical therapy

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*Kagome's POV*

"And that's about all I can remember." I finished my lengthy explanation of the flashbacks. I was fiddling with the white sheets in between my fingertips. It wasn't very soft, more like a rough cotton. The texture was fascinating to feel while I twirled the edge of the blanket around my index finger.

"I see.." Maddie mumbled as she wrote at an expeditious pace on the same paper she's been scribbling on for the past few minutes. She squinted her coffee-colored eyes as she reread whatever she wrote in dark ink. Her eyes moved back and forth rapidly as they slowly lowered to the bottom of the paper. It was interesting to watch the fluorescent lights toy with the color of her eyes. She had a yellow tint around her pupil and more of a emerald color spread throughout her iris.

"What's that?" I questioned, tearing my eyes away from her stunningly, colorful eyes.

"Hm?" She hummed throating as she picked her head up to stared at me with a questioning gaze, slightly cocking her head to the right. Her light brown locks spilled over her shoulders and hung like a curtain on the side of her pale and freckled face.

"What do you see?" I restated my confusion. I watched her expression carefully morph into a mask that nurses seemed to pull on very well. My mood unintentionally darkened some.

"Oh, nothing." She said as she casually returned back to her notes. "It's just that.. Well, I'm not quite certain, so for that matter, I won't make a judgement call." She smiled kindly at me as she placed the plastic clipboard of the edge of my bed. Her thin arms crossed over themselves just below her chest.

Before either of us could continue the conversation, a very young, tanned and toned male strolled into the room. It was a little shocking to see long, raven hair pulled back neatly into a high ponytail and bangs falling out onto his worry-free forehead.

He spoke in a friendly manner, "Hello, Kagome. I'm Koga, I'll be your physical therapist." He flashed his beautiful pearly whites as he moved forward to shake my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said, smiling politely as leaned forward to take a hold of his hand.

"The pleasure's all mine." He spoke sincerely, though I was positive that it was somewhat flirty. I cocked an amused eyebrow as he lightly chuckled, causing his diamond eyes to shimmer.

"I'll come back later." Maddie suddenly said with a small grin pulling on her lips, grabbing the clipboard on the way out. "Try to not have too much fun." She joked before abruptly shutting the door behind her.

My face flushed a tint of red as Koga chuckled once more. I fought the urge of clearing my throat to announce my slight uncomfortableness. My hands immediately went back to weaving the blanket in between my fingers as a coping method.

"Anyways," he continued, "how'd you manage to wind up in the hospital?"

I shrugged my thin shoulders once. "I don't really know."

"You mean you don't remember." He stated, digging through a duffel bag that I hadn't noticed him carrying earlier.

"Yeah.." I confirmed his theory with a nod. A long lapse of silence would have made its way into our conversation had Koga not started speaking again. I paused my hands and settled for just laying them on top of the blanket.

"Well, the good news is that your muscles are still functioning well."

"And the bad news?" I asked, propping a hand under my chin as I leaned onto the metal railing connected to my bed.

He continued, "You'll need some therapy."

Koga stood up from his duffel bag to demonstrate. "When you fell, you fractured a portion of your spine right here," he placed two fingers on his lower spine. I nodded for him to continue.

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