Ch.36- Not so new girl, what's for late lunch?

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*Kagome's POV*

"Can you pass me the salt?" 

I nodded wordlessly as I shoved another forkful of steak into my mouth, causing my tastebuds to do a backflip. My hand enclosed around the seahorse salt shaker before passing it across the table.

"This is really good, mom." I complimented her cooking skills truthfully as another forkful was plopped happily into my mouth. I let out a moan as pleasure filled my senses. 

"Thank you, darling, but you helped as well." My mom replied kindly, sitting across the circle table. I watch her shut her brown orbs as she chewed her mouth watering food thoughtfully. Dark, blue circles colored below her closed eyes and her cheekbones were more visible than the last time I could remember. 

"Would you mind going shopping tomorrow with me after the meeting?" I quickly questioned our plans tomorrow, feeling slightly nervous. I waited patiently for her to answer it before stuffing my face with an enormous, unnecessarily amount of food.

She chewed her food quickly and swallowed carefully before replying with, "Sure. Where would you like to go?"

"Anywhere in town. We haven't gone- well, I, haven't gone shopping." I corrected myself sheepishly, causing my mom to send me a disapproving look from across the table.

"There's a mall near South Broad Street."

"That's where the court is."

"I know." 

A silence filled the air dryly, causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.

"Are you finished?" I started to gather her empty plates onto mine.

"Yes, thank you." She said, almost tiredly. She got up from the table and traipsed to the couch.  

"You're welcome." I chirped, trying to get the atmosphere happy again.

I dunked the small bits of pieces of food on the plates into the sink. I turned the hot water on blast, watching the sink fill up slowly. I took out a blue bottle of Dawn soap before squirting it into the sinking, allowing bubbles to form. I grabbed the red rag from under the sink and began washing the dirty dishes.

Within a few short minutes, the dirty dishes were cleaned and placed back into their correct location. I plopped down heavily besides my mom. I leaned against the back of our leather couch, resting my head on the top of the couch. I rolled my head in my mom's direction, my eyes slowly following my head. 

"What's for dinner?" 

"Oh, dinner!" My mom exclaimed. Her slumped form straightened with realization. "I forgot completely about dinner."

A small dose of concern flowed through me as I stood back up, even though my exhausted body protested insanely. "It's alright; I can make dinner. What would you like?" 

"No, no, it's fine. I can make dinner." My mom started to stand up slowly. I walked around the couch and placed my hands on her thin shoulders and yanked her downwards gently into the couch.

"No, I'm making dinner." I nearly growled, setting a finality. 

She sighed. "Kagome, please. You just got out of the hospital and-"

"Mom." This time I did growl. "I ca-"

"Kagome!" She said in a warning voice as she angrily whirled around to face me while being seated. "No buts! You need to rest your wounds and have them fully heal before you do anything profoundly. I don't want them to open from you moving around so much. You already helped me make the late lunch. I can handle making dinner by myself."

"Making a simple dinner isn't going to affect my wounds!" I  argued my point.

"Urgh," She finally said, perceiving of my point of view. "fine."

"What do you want for dinner?" I repeated my words, but with glee, as I had won the argument.

"Sloppy Joe would be nice. We haven't had that in quite a while."

"Since last fall, I believe." I commented shyly as I put input my opinion.

"Oh, yes, that's precise. It was when we had the family get-together with the Jackson family."

"Mhm." I hummed while I accidently clank the pots together, getting ready to gather the ingredients. 

I was only about a half an hour into making dinner when my mom appeared in front of me in her work uniform which consisted of a red shirt and black slacks.

"Don't you look adorable." I teased her about the uniform.

"Oh, shush." She commanded as she gave me a peck on the cheek. "I'll be home after 8. Don't burn down the house."

"I promise I'll try not to!" I joked playfully before she rolled her eyes and gather her belongings. 

'But someone else might try to.' I couldn't resist to think. 

Just as my mom had shut the door, my phone went off up stairs. I silently cursed as I placed my utensil down and rushed upstairs, clutching my stomach. I plucked the phone off the dresser just as it stopped ringing. I huffed in annoyance as I clicked my lockscreen on.

(1) Missed Call 555-555-5555

My head cocked to the side with confusion, causing my dark locks to spill over my shoulder. My hand encased around the wound of my stomach, as it had started to ache horribly from the small amount of exercise.

"Who could that be?" I wondered aloud as I unlocked my phone with the 4-digit passcode 0220. I stared at the number until my eyes hurt. Deciding to make up my mind, I called them back.





'One last more ring.' I couldn't help but think in anticipation.


"Hello?" A voice interrupted from the other line, startling me.

"Hello?" I answered shakily.

"Why, hello, Kagome." He replied.

"W-who is this?" I questioned the other person in a tiny voice.

"That's not important right now, Kagome. I want you to unlock your door."

"U-um, " I stuttered quietly as dread filled my body. "I didn't lock my door."

"No, you didn't." The other person chuckled deeply. I stayed silent as I found none of this amusing. "But, your mother did."


"Kagome," The person cooed my name gently, causing goosebumps to rise. "I don't think you want to disobey me."

I shut my eyes tightly as my heart pounded furiously, trying to escape my chest. Without having much choice, I opened my eyes and ran down stairs and-

"That's a good girl."

-locked the windows and closed the blinds tightly. No light shined in through the white blinds. Only a small tint of light was illuminating the living room and it was the lamp on the table. I quickly dashed forward and turned it off.

"Oh, Kagome." He sounded almost sad. "That wasn't a very smart move."

Heyo! So it's been a little more than a month, actually almost two. Ooooops, I guess I slightly procrastinated. I honestly have no idea how I'm going to end this story. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out something and fast. :) Talk to you guys later! ~AA

Update: Dang, I left you guys on a cliff hanger lol. Whoops! Well, I'm finally done reediting. FINALLY! Yay! ~AA

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