Ch.33- New girl, you aren't so new anymore

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*Kagome's Pov*

I groaned as my chocolate eyes opened to a world of silver. Silver strands of something unknown tickled my nose as it brushed against my skin. My nose shriveled up towards the center of my wrinkled forehead as I fought the strong urge to rub my itching nose. I shook my head to get the silverness out of my face. My lips formed in the shape of an 'o' once realization downed upon me.

I had forgotten about InuYasha spending the night in the hospital with me, as it seemed completely unfair for him to be in a twin sized bed with another body. His lengthy, silver hair was now slightly knotted. Feeling slightly guilty that I had caused his beautiful hair to become less tamed, I grabbed a fistful of knotted hair and started to run my fingers through it. I failed to notice the fuzzy ears that twitched on top of his head. 

"What are you doing?" InuYasha mumbled huskily into my ear, sending unnecessary shivers down my spine. I could faintly feel goosebumps rise on my arms and thighs.

My hands paused momentarily before continuing running my hands through his thick locks."I-I'm fixing your hair... It's tangled." I answered sheepishly in a tiny voice.

His strong arms carefully wrapped themselves around my waist before pulling me closer to his warm body.  I immediately melted into his embrace, wrapping my own arms around his neck and inhaling his intoxicating scent. 

"Has... Has my mom visited me?" I questioned softly, rubbing my thumbs in circles at the base of his neck. InuYasha sighed quietly, pushing loose hair away from my face as he cuddled closer into my neck.   

"She did twice." He answered simply. "But, work has been keeping her busy lately; the hospital bills were piling and she needed to work for more money to pay them off."

"I'm horrible." I snapped at myself, hating myself for giving my mom such a burden. 

InuYasha snapped his head up and cradled my chin, forcing me to look into his golden eyes. He searched my eyes endlessly as a tear streaked down my face. 

"Kagome, this wasn't your fault. This was not  your doing. You didn't want any of this to happen and your mother knows that. Things happen, and things will continue to happen all the way up until your last breath taken on earth."

I smiled grateful at my boyfriend from the small, yet inspiring speech. I leaned up and gave him a peck of the nose as my gratitude.  

"Thank you." I whispered as I attempted to give him a hug while laying down. His laughter filled my ears he sat up and tossed the sheets aside. 

"Why don't we get you out of here?" He asked casually while standing up to stretch. 

"I would love to."

"You've only been here for merely a week." He laughed as I shrugged.

"So?"I questioned while raising an eyebrow, "Doesn't mean I would rather stay here than my own house."

"Point taken."


InuYasha quickly moved to the other side of the car to help me out. I swatted his hands away as I struggled to get out.

"I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth as I swung my sore, cramped legs out of the his car. He raised his hands above defensively before taking a cautious step backwards.

"Whatever you say, Kitten."

"Kitten?" I snorted with pain clearly laced in my voice as I wobbly attempted to stand up. My left hand still remained tightly on the door as I stood up. "Are you trying to impl-" My voice was cut off sharply as my knees gave out, sending me quickly to the ground. I felt a strong pair of arms scoop me up before I collided with concrete. 

"-y that I'm clingy?" I finished my sentence, completely breathless. 

"No," He argued, " I'm saying that you're stubborn, but you're worth it." I snickered at the last part.

"I wouldn't say that I'm 'worth it', but whatever helps you sleep at night." He shook his head, as his description of me was proven true. 

The conversation had ended shortly due to the fact that InuYasha had raised a single hand to wordless rap his knuckles on my front wooden door. Not a moment later, said door had swung wide open, my mom standing in front of us.

InuYasha took the time to gently place me on my feet. Though, he didn't completely let go of me as his arm remained around my waist.

"Hi." I greeted my shocked mom when she didn't say anything.

"H-how are you feeling?" She questioned as she raised a shaky hand to cover her mouth. 

"I'm doing alright, mom." I paused to wipe a tear off her face. "How are you?"

She vigorously nodded as her eyebrows knitted in emotional pain. A small sigh escaped my parted lips as I untangled myself from InuYasha. I gave him a quick squeeze of reassurance. I sealed it with a firm kiss on the lips.

"I'll see you later?"

"I'll see you later." He confirmed. He nodded goodbye to my mom with a small wave before he turned on his heel and walked the small distance to his car. I turned back to my mom as he started to pull out of the driveway.

"Why don't we have a girls night?" I questioned my slowly crumbling mom. "Like, watch chick flicks, eat popcorn, and talk and stuff."

"Yeah," She agreed as she wiped her worried tears away with a smile, " I would like that."

Ayeeeeee, my fellow readers! It's such a beautiful day here in Florida, 70 degrees to be exact! I love these weather. It's so nice and calm. I enjoy typing outside while it's this nice. As always: Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much for reading all the way until this point! I honestly do put much work and effort into these chapters. I really hope you guys can see my writing improving slowly. I certainly can! I actually think my first chapter SUCKS compared to these new and improved ones! But, that's just me! ANyways, until next time! :) ~AA

Update: Yay! Another chapter down. My mom, Aunt, and Uncle are all watching The Hunger Games. I believe I bought the books, but I still have yet to read them. I plan on finishing The Mortal Instruments series and than another series before I start a different series. Wish me luck! ~AA

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