Ch.38- Not so new girl, how's your face?

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*Kagome's POV*

My body slammed heavily into the wooden slabs, sliding across the balcony with a hefty body pinning me down. I moaned in protest as my skin scraped off. 

"Goddamnit, wench." A voice muttered hatefully above me as someone yanked on my long dark locks to get me to stand up right. "You're as annoying as the last time I've beaten you." 

'Wench? The only other person that calls me that is-' My head snapped skywards on its own accord to meet the same chocolate brown eyes that were labeled as my father. A bucket of unpleasant coldness dumped itself down onto spine. Every muscle in my body told me to bolt.

"Y-You won't get away with this." I gasped as I felt my eyes widen in absolute terror. My body stiffened all over, freezing completely in his iron tight grasp. 

"Is that a challenge?" He leaned down and growled into my ear, his grip tightening. A single hand flew to my neck, pinching it under harsh pressure. I buckled under it and crashed to my knees, clanking them along the wood. 

"No, it isn't. But, if you're up for a challenge, then I'm ready to kick your ass any day of the week." A horribly familiar voice spoke, startling me. I glanced over to where InuYasha should be lying, bleeding out, but instead, found him standing roughly a foot away from us. I was mildly confused as how he was standing, but then it occurred to me that he's half demon; he has insane healing powers. 

"InuYasha, please-" I started to plead before my head was jerked roughly to the side. I let out a yelp as a sharp pain spread throughout my neck. My hands clamped around my sperm donor's thick hand. I wanted to bite him so incredibly much. I hated him with every fiber in my body.

"Tell me, kid, is this your beau?"

"And if I am?" InuYasha challenged him with a quirk of an eyebrow. He took a large step before his fist was connecting to my father's face. My hair was released, sending me onto my hands. I sat on the floor, staring blankly.

Before I could process the following events, there was a violent fist fight between the only two men that I've loved that included blood splatters and teeth getting knocked out. I was guiltily relieved that my father was taking most of the hard blows. His face was beaten black and blue with blood gushing out of his nose.

I could see my father's blood boil in his eyes and it made me cringe from all of the horrible memories of the scars he's left on my body.

 The flash of something shiny glistening in the sunlight caught my attention before it was plunged into my boyfriend's already red stained chest. 

"InuYasha!" I bellowed with every emotion screaming along in my hoarse voice. My anger took over my actions as I shoved myself harshly off the ground and started sprinting towards them. I leaped off the ground and onto my father, successfully knocking him off the balcony with me on top. The last thing I saw before going over the edge was InuYasha sinking to his knees, gripping his chest in pain. 

"Kagome!" InuYasha yelled, dragging the last syllable of my name as I soared through the air past him.  

I could feel the sickening sound of bones being cracked underneath me. I probably would have shivered with disgust if my body wasn't in horrendous pain. My shoulder was absolutely killing me than the splitting headache at my temple where I'm almost certain my father's elbow connected with. 

I could hear disgruntled grunts and cries from above to which I assume was InuYasha. I rolled off my father and immediately regretted my decision. A stinging sensation flooded throughout my back in waves, causing me to yell in distress. The burning aching feeling in my shoulder was enough to distract me from everything else. 

"Kagome!" InuYasha kept shrieking my name over and over with worry heavily coated in it. 

I rolled onto my stomach to get blinded by the bright sun. I squinted against the rays as my sight slowly started to fade. I watched a black blob hurry across my yard and collapse nearby my father. They laid a dark hand against his neck for about half a minute before slowly withdrawing it.

"Y-You won't get away with this." I mumbled as the figure stood up. The figure paused their movements before walking away. 

"We'll see about that." They muttered with disgust, fading into the rest of my blackening vision. My head rolled to its side as my eyes fought the urge of closing. 

There suddenly were about a dozen of people surrounding me and lifting me onto a surface to what I assumed was a gurney. I glanced around wearily as confusion bubbled thickly over my foggy mind. I could see multiple cop cars flashing their bright lights as the police flooded out of the cars. I attempted to fight against their hold, but it hurt too much and I was so weak in their hold.

"Ma'am, can you tell me your name?" A feminine medic asked me as I was being rolled away from the scene. "Who are you?"

"My name?" I questioned as I was rolled into an ambulance. The doors had barely slammed shut before we were speeding off to the nearest hospital. My eyebrows furrowed together as I struggled to understand the meaning of the question.

"Yes, you're name." The same medic repeated my words, but without the questioning tone. A male medic came over and shined light into my pupils, causing me to fight the urge of rapidly blinking. 

"Joenel, she has a very mild concussion. There's a good chance that she's bleeding-"

"I think my nameghuh-"

Oddly, I calmly watched everything get dark like I was driving through a tunnel and my hearing eventually faded out to nothing as my eyes slid close against the blackness. My eyes opened a few minutes later to same scenery.

"-ou hear me? Miss? Can you hear me?" The person speaking kept asking over and over things my brain couldn't comprehend. Every word was hurting me to listen. "Stay with us, miss."

"I'm hereghuh." I mumbled tiredly as my tongue didn't seem to be wanting to work. I rolled my head over to the nearest medic. 

"Why can't I speakghuh properly?" I questioned myself, getting frustrated with my brain feeling like it's shutting down. I blinked tiredly at her, barely having enough energy to have my eyes open. 

"We're not certain yet. We'll have a professional look at you. Miss, what's your name?"

"I-I can't rememberghuh." I spoke quietly just before everything went spinning into a black world of nothing.

"Joe, we're losing her!" and a bunch of beeping sounds were the last things I heard. 

Heyyyy! Guess who actually updated on time?! Meeeeee! This was a pretty cool chapter to write. The feedback on this is amazing. Thank you guys so much for writing reviews and voting. It honestly helps out a lot. ~AA

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