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Outside a hobbit hole stood a hooded figure. In his hand was a basket, but in the basket was an infant not even a week old. You could hear the figure weeping lightly as he held the basket caressing the infants face as it slept. The person finally took off the hood revealing a man. The man was the size of a hobbit but was not, for he had a beard and was to bulky for any known hobbit. He kissed the sleeping infant on it's head making it's hazel eyes open and giggle. He set the basket down and whispered to the infant sniffling.

"My dear child I can not care for you at the moment but the time will come when I shall return. For now you shall stay with the community of hobbits where you'll grow up and become a wonderful young lady. I know they'll treat you right I love you Reann your mother loves you. Farewell for now my sweet sweet child." He whispered with one final kiss to her head

He knocked on the round door and walked away into the shadows sobbing now. The small infant frightened started crying. Hearing the cries as a women opened the door she looked down. She gasped wondering who would do such an awful thing as to leave a child outside. Picking up the small child she sang lightly. The infant yawned and fell back to sleep. The women brought her in and called for her husband. The husband came in a rush thinking something was wrong stopping in front of her gasping as well.

"Is that a child?" He questioned

"Yes found outside outside the door crying." She replied

Looking out the door the man grabbed the basket and seen a note along with beads, and a stuffed bear with a fur coat. The man picked up the basket walked back in the house closing the door. He walked into the den where his wife sat on her chair by the fire rocking the sleeping infant.

"Belladonna." He said

"Yes Bungo?" She questioned

"There was a not left along with some beads and stuffed bear." He informed her

"Well what does the note say?" Belladonna asked

"Please look over my child at the moment I cannot. For I am grieving over the loss of my wife, who died while giving birth. I know it seems selfish of me for this but I am not ready to take of her now. The child is a she and her name is Reann. The beads are for her when she has long enough hair please braid them in there. The bear was made my me and it's her favorite. She has dwarf blood running threw her veins so she'll age differently. When the time is right I shall return until then please love her as if she is yours." Bungo read

"Poor fella, oh can we please raise her I don't want to abandon her." She begged

Bungo looked at the small infant or Reann. He could see from the fathers point of view, and he's always wanted a daughter. He looked at his wife lovingly and nodded.

"But what about Bilbo." He asked

"I know my Bilbo he'll absolutely love her like we do." She said

He nodded and went to sit in his chair which was right next to his wife. He kissed her and they sat together admiring the new member of the family.
Reann Meets Bilbo

The next morning Bilbo woke up to crying. Curious he walked out of his bed yawning and followed the noise. It led him to the kitchen where he seen his mother cooking and his father trying to calm down a baby.

"Daddy who is that?" He questioned his father

His mother stopped cooking and walked by Bungo and the baby. He walked closer by them to get a good look at the baby.

"Bilbo this is your new little sister her names Reann." His mother said smiling

"Reann?" He questioned

He was offered her which he gladly accepted. He sat in a chair and held her. She then stopped crying instantly and gurgled. Bilbo looked into her hazel eyes and smiled she liked her.

"Hello Reann I'm your older brother Bilbo once you can walked we'll go on adventures and lots of them promise." He said

Bungo and Belladonna stood there smiling happily seeing that they liked each other.
Reann's First Words

Bungo and Belladonna awoke to there 17 year old son(11 in human years) jumping on the bed.

"Mommy daddy Reann said her first words Reann said her first word!!" He exclaimed excitedly

He grabbed there hands and dragged them into his and Reann's room. There Reann stood on her stubby legs holding the bars of her bed gurgling. Bilbo walked by her and picked her up with ease, causing Bungo and Belladonna to get a little frightened.

"Okay Reann go say it." He encouraged her

"Bibo Bibo Bibo." She said

That day they celebrated and had a picnic by the river.
Reann's First Steps

It was Reann's first birthday and Bungo and Belladonna finally found out how dwarves age. After Reann blew out her candles with the help of Bilbo she stuffed her hands into them and ate it happily. Causing everyone else to laugh at her. Bungo picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks and washed her off. Once done he set her down and walked a couple of inches away from her.

"Come walk to daddy come on darling." He said

Reann stood up shakily at first but took a step, and then another after that. Belladonna and Bilbo running by them. She giggled and continued except she didn't walk towards Bungo but to Bilbo.
Reann Meets Gandalf The Grey

It was mid summers eve night time when the Baggin's family went to a party. There fireworks were going off and people were happy and cheery. Reann was walking around with Bilbo as he pretended he was an adventurer. He walked up to a man with a grey pointy hat and started hitting him with his sword. The man laughing at him but stopping once he seen Reann. She had shoulder length brown almost black and had beads in her hair. Belladonna picked Reann up and scolded Bilbo.

"Gandalf what a pleasure it is to see you again." Belladonna greeted him

"As it is you Belladonna Took now if I am correct that is not your biological child?" He asked

Belladonna froze how did he know?

"Let's just say I am aware of her past now good day Belladonna Took." He and walked away leaving Belladonna Took shocked
The Death of Bungo and Belladonna

Reann was 19 years old(9 in human years) and Bilbo age 36 years old(28 in human years) when a sickness had come over Bungo and Belladonna. They was nothing that could cure them they were on there death beds literally. On there bedsides was there children Bilbo crying and Reann looking confused she was too young to know what was happening.

"Bilbo." Belladonna said hoarsely

"Yes mother." He said holding her hand

"I want you to take care of Reann please and in our room under our bed is a basket with a note read it and you'll find out about Reann." She said

He nodded and looked to see Bungo on his bed with Reann next to him. He kissed her head one more time laid his head back and closed his eyes never to be opened again. A tear fell down Bilbo's eye and he held his moms hand before he felt it go limp. He went by Reann and picked her up. Outside the door was the priest.

"Bilbo what happened to mommy and daddy." She asked

He stopped he didn't know how to tell her that their parents were never waking up again.

"Daddy and mommy went to sleep." He said

"When are they going to wake up?" She questioned

"I don't know Reann hey how would you like having your own room now?" He changed the subject

She nodded excitedly. Bilbo sighed and walked outside and took Reann on a walk.

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