Chapter Nineteen

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The morning of the Fellowships departure had finally come. They were all packed and ready to go on the journey. Legolas had finally gotten the courage to talk to her Aragorn had also come along.

"My Lady Reann I am Legolas Greenleaf I hope you remember me from years ago." He said taking her hand and kissing it

"I am Aragorn I have heard of you through out Middle Earth you are a legend and it will be a pleasure joining you." Aragorn said smiling

"Pleasure to meet you Aragorn it shall be a pleasure as well, Legolas of course I remember you its been to long my friend." Reann said smiling at them both

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath, nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell, hold to your purpose. May the blessings of the Elves and Men, and all Free Folk go with you." Elrond said

"The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer." Gandalf said

Frodo turned and started walking out the doors of Rivendell the rest of the Fellowship following. Reann was next to Gimli who were having a conversation about the journey.

"Are you sure this will be your last journey?" Gimli whispered

"I have confirmed it with Lord Elrond." Reann whispered back

Little did they know two people heard their conversation. Legolas and Aragorn with excellent hearing who had turned and looked at each other confused as to what the dwarves were talking about.

"Well then lets make the best of our time together I say a little competition on who can kill the most orcs, and beasts." Gimli whispered back with a smirk

"Do you know who you talking to Gimli? The best warrior in all of Middle Earth I have killed many Orcs, Trolls, and Wags in my time I'd like to see you try." Reann said

"The deal is on then." Gimli told her shaking her hand

"You don't think we'll actually have to kill these beast do you?" Pippin had asked

"I'm afraid so Pippin but do not worry you shall be trained this journey if and plus orcs are easy to kill, once you get the hang of it." Reann told him

After traveling over open plains, up and down hillsides, they take a rest on a hill.

"We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for 40 days. If our luck holds the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there our road turns east to Mordor." Gandalf explained

Meanwhile Reann is watching as Boromir teaches Merry and Pippin how to use swords with Aragorn which is quite amusing. The first time she learned to fight was with Hithui. After she was good enough they went troll hunting. That training had come in handy when she had to fight Kili in order to go on the quest.

"You will not come you will only slow us down." He told her

"Is it because I'm a girl I'm probably the best warrior here." She hissed at the dwarf enraged

"Lets put that to the test shall we me and you." Kili said smirking

"Agreed, Reann if you pass this test I shall allow you on this journey with us if you are too fail the you will stay agreed." Thorin compromised
"Come on Kili give me your best shot don't hold back." Reann whispered seductively while circling him

Kili froze oh what she did to him. He pulled himself together and raised his sword only to be stopped immedietly by Reann. She was smirking at him and kicked under him causing him to fall. Once on the ground the a knife was put to his throat.

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