Chapter 1

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Your POV:

     I was driving with my friend to the mall in my car. When we got to the mall we found out it was packed and it was hard to find a parking spot. When I finally found one, Emma was just about to jump out of the car.

"Emma, wait!" I yelled at her. She turned around and smiled at me, then she rushed to the entrance of the mall. I sighed and turned off the car. I ran straight into her and we both crashed into the wall. We started to laugh and people looked at us with dirty looks. We both got up and headed into the mall.

"Tell me again why we are here?" I asked. Emma looked at me and yelled, "Because a bunch of stores have Halloween stuff out!" She then pulled me into a store called, "Boo!" I could guess by the horrible title that this was was a Halloween store.

Emma pulled me me into a section that had a sign above it saying, "Enter if you dare." When we walked into it we gasped and looked at all the cool things around us. I saw a mask that had pig ears, owl eyes, and a horse's snout. I put it on and showed it to Emma. She laughed and put on a Freddy Krueger mask and gloves set.

"Stop you're scaring me!" I said sarcastically.

She giggled and put the mask and gloves down while I picked up another mask and placed it on top of the mask I already had on. I turned around and scared the heck out of Emm. She almost knocked over a stand before I grabbed her hand. On the way out, we were laughing like crazy until our sides started hurting.

"I'm going to sit down for a little bit." You said grabbing your sides. "You go look in some more stores."She squealed and ran in the opposite direction of me.

I chuckled as I made my way to a bench dodging strangers. When I got there, I pulled out my phone to see if anyone posted on Twitter, Tumblr, or Youtube. I saw that three youtubers I have subscribed to had posted new videos. I clicked on Vanoss' new video and saw it was about prop hunt with Delirious, Mini, Lui, Daithi, and WildCat. I was going to reach into my bag to get my earbuds, but before I could some stranger ran up and grabbed my phone right out of my hands.

"Hey stop! Someone get him!" I yelled. I started to run after him, but I got held back by someone. I turned around to see it was Evan and that Craig was running after the perp that stole my phone.

'Don't fangirl Jessie' I thought to myself. I think I had tears on my face from meeting VanossGaming.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder to see a tired Craig hand me my phone. I then hugged him and Evan without hesitation. They looked surprised, but they then accepted my hug.

'Don't fangirl Jessie' I kept telling myself.

"What's your name?" They asked. "J-Jessie" I stuttered.

"Well I guess you already know us." I nodded. "How 'bout I take you out for dinner?" I asked.

"No we couldn't let you waste your money on us." I quickly pulled out my phone while talking to them.

"I insist it's the least I could do for you and besides you are awesome." They smiled at the compliment.

I texted Emma telling her all about what happened. She wanted proof that I meet them so I took a picture of us and sent it to her.

She replied quickly saying, "Where are you?" I told her that I'm in front of GameStop and to get here right away. I put my phone safely in my pocket and made sure no one was going to take it. I heard somebody yelling my name from across the mall. Next thing I knew, I had fallen unto the ground with Emma on top of me. She started to burst out laughing and I pulled her off of the ground. Emma stopped laughing when she noticed Evan and Craig was right in front of us.

"Hi, um Jessie didn't tell us your name." Craig said. Emma replied saying, "Emma" They nodded. "Well nice to meet you Emma. Your friend here has invited us to go to dinner. I think it would be rude if you didn't join." Emma squealed with happiness and hugged Me, Evan, and Craig.

"H-help, I can't b-breathe." I said while trying to get out of the hug. Emma laughed and stopped hugging us. "So where are we going to go?" I said. They all looked at me like I was missing something. "We thought you would like to go to Taku?" I squealed with excitement. "That is my favorite place to eat!" They looked at me and said, "Let's go then!"

~Timeskip To After Restaurant~

Well thanks again for everything, Jessie." I just smiled weirdly.

"No p-problem. I just still can't believe I met you." Then Evan handed me a piece of paper and Craig did the same thing but to Emma.

I looked down to see Evan's number. I looked at Emma and she could tell I was fangirling inside.

"Umm, thank you I guess." Then they just walked away. I got out my phone and put his and Craig's numbers into my contacts.

I turned to Emma and said, "That was awesome! I hope we get to see them again and maybe meet some of their friends!"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my car. "Let's go home and see if anyone has posted anything new." I unlocked my car and got in. I turned it on and waited for Emma to buckle, then we left to go home.


First chapter yay! I might post the second chapter tomorrow if I have time. Hope you guys like it!

Stay lovely & safe my smol beans


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