Part 4 Chapter 8

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I'm so sorry to anyone who read this part when I first posted it. I accidentally published Part 3 Chapter 8 instead of Part 4 Chapter 8 because when I was typing it up I got the drafts mixed up. So sorry, it's fixed now though so just bear with me.

Thalia's POV
I didn't bother trying to escape. I knew by now it'd be reenforced and very difficult for a lone dragon to break out since Macy and company had already escaped not once, but twice. So I just sat patiently in the dimly lit cell I was in.

I let my mind wander. I thought about the last few crazy days and events. I worried about Macy's safety and if trusting her new friends really was he best thing to do. She didn't really know them and I hoped they wouldn't take advantage of her and the others. Then there was that boy. That mortal. Maxwell was is? No. Mason.

There was obviously more to him than that which meets the eye or he wouldn't even know Macy. He went beyond the surface level. I hoped Macy could see that he was different too. He was somewhere between being a mortal and being a half-breed, I sensed. Yet to my knowledge, he wasn't a halfbreed. At least not a dragon born. Yet he was good with both mortals and half-breeds. He boggled my mind. How did he fit in to all this?

I longed for a library where I could spend hours leafing through books. Dragons are very interesting creatures with very interesting pasts. In fact, mortal history is pretty good too. It's all good, really. I just love history. Maybe some of that I could use to learn more about what's happening and what's going to happen, I pondered. And now this Mason. I could spend hours just researching the abilities he has!

Not now though. That'd have to be later. Now, I was stuck in a dimly lit prison cell.

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