Part 1 Chapter 11

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Macy's POV
"Wow, this is really cool," exclaimed Lena looking around at all the decorations in the hallway leading down to the gym.

"My reaction exactly. I wonder who coordinated all this for the guys to put together, it looks nice," I said as I marveled at it too. There were paper streamers along the walls and hanging from the ceiling. The lights were covered in veils of colored tissue paper to give the room an inexpensive colored tint—a touch that I don't think that even I would of thought of. There was a nicely decorated table that was set up by the outside of the gym. Behind the table were teachers and parental volunteers collecting entry fees and selling pop, candy, pizza and various other concessions to help raise funds for future danced and school-sponsored events.

"Yeah it does. Hey look, your stalker guy, Jimmy, is wearing a full suit," Lena pointed out to me.

"I hope he knows that it was only semi-formal and I already told him no, I'm not going with him."

"Maybe he's not trying to get with you this time."

"In my wildest dreams, maybe." He just didn't know the meaning of the word "no" yet.

We neared the gym and the bass of the music practically shook the air itself. It felt so alive. It was so energetic, it was as though the sound was from another world altogether. After we paid our entry fee (only 5 dollars), we stepped into the room itself which was illuminated solely by neon lights and disco balls reflecting the neon lights to other parts of the room. I could easily recognize the song that was playing to open up the evening. It was Dynamite by Tao Cruise, a throwback, but still good all the same.

"I love this song!" Lena exclaimed ecstatically. "Come on, let's go dance."

I followed Lena to where everyone else was dancing in hopes to release some of my stress and anxiety the way dancing always does. I just wanted one moment where I could enjoy myself and forget about grades, boys, and being dragonborn. Just one good, long, moment.

They played Katy Perry next. Lena and I knew the song by heart and sang along. The hip grinding hadn't started yet, but I knew that within the next song or two it would as more and more people came out to the dance floor. And I knew that I never wanted to admit it, but I really wanted to press Peris up against me tonight and grind with him. It was that feeling that one can get under the neon lights like a drug. That dire thirst for unnecessary sexual attention.

After that was Ke$ha's Tik Tok which I was pretty sure wasn't all that "school appropriate" but I wasn't complaining. The night was just beginning and I couldn't wait for it to get hot. But not too hot. Just hot enough to be enjoyed, not too sweaty or too sexual. When the song ended I stepped aside into the girls' for a break, I didn't want to ruin my new dress by giving myself too much of a workout.

I came back out a few minutes later after freshening up to discover they were playing a slow song for the first half hour. I didn't see Peris, which meant that Jimmy would undoubtedly be on me in no time. I was about to flee back to the restroom or get some punch (and Lord willing it wouldn't be spiked this time) when I rounded a corner and Peris almost knocked me over.

"Thank goodness I found you Macy! It's Lena." He grabbed both of my hands as though he felt I didn't already have his undivided attention. "She's gone missing."

"What do you mean?" I asked, staring into his eyes, not completely registering what he was saying.

"We can't find her. She's no where. I was hoping she'd be with you."

"I'm sorry I lost her on the dance floor. I can just text her though, it's no big deal. I'm sure she's around here somewhere."

"We tried that."

"Maybe she just left her phone in her locker and stepped outside," I suggested.

Peris shook his head. "No, you don't understand. She's gone. Like she disappeared into thin air."

"That's bogus, I just saw her a few minutes ago." But I looked into his eyes and saw that he wasn't kidding. This wasn't even a joke.

"I'm not lying to you, Macy."

I was silent for a moment.

"Okay," I finally said. "What now?"

"We have to talk to Justin. He's freaking out, but he'll be glad to at least see you."

"I bet."

I followed him down the hall, stopping at my locker to get my purse. (I still had the laser pistol in it. I didn't know if we would need it or not.)

"She could be in danger," Peris pointed out. "If no one knows where she is then..."

"Yes, you have a good point. We have to find her."

He stopped before opening the door. "Macy, you know that this isn't just an ordinary case of a possible kidnapping, even human trafficking, right?"

I swallowed. He knew. "I know. This could be a mattered of life or death if we can't find her."

He opened the door and we stepped out. We would probably get detentions for leaving the building before the event was over of we were caught, but that didn't matter now. What mattered the most right now was finding Lena before the androids did. If Peris and Justin knew that she was dragonborn too, then there was no telling who else knew. I took in the school grounds before me as the bright sunlight fell onto my face. I glanced around momentarily for Justin when I heard it. The sound was a deafening roar of a distressed beast. I looked up and I inhaled sharply at the sight. This situation had just gotten a whole lot worse for all of us.

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