New year special

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Bracing myself, I stepped into the ballroom and watched the dancing couples. Pastel dresses and dark suits, the dancers coloured the marble floor.

My (f/c) dress went to my ankles, a wire frame underneath making it poofy and my hair was neat and tidy atop my head.

The new year party was an apparent tradition, royalty and nobility were invited and guards were at every possible entrance protecting the unknowing royalty.

As I stood beside Ashe whose arms were linked with Zelda's. Nervously, I glanced around me, looking for someone who I knew and could talk to. Across the room, I saw my trainees getting a lecture from their leader Callaghan.

Excusing myself from Ashe and Zelda's love fest, I walked over to them. Callaghan, Xylan, Pacri, Tabuu and Fadril stood to attention as they saw me, and poor Junos was left gormlessly staring at them.

"Junos! The princess!" Callaghan gestured and Junos quickly saluted. Sighing, Callaghan fixed his mistake and held him to attention.

"at ease." I spoke. The six all relaxed their shoulders. "you all look like Callaghan here has worked you to the bone," I looked at the still pudgy Junos. "most of you. So, Callaghan, what's your assessment of these fine young soldiers?"

"I see no soldiers here, I see possible royal guards with their level of expertise." Proudly lifting his cleft, stubbly chin, Callaghan gestured again. "that's good. So long as you see a future, they will see it too." I bowed my head and walked off but Xylan grabbed me by the hand. I quickly simmered down the raging Callaghan with a side glance. "um, Princess, would to dance, with me?"

The five other men stood silently as I thought for that moment. "of course." I smiled and curtseyed. "lead the way, sir Xylan." Taking me by the hand again, he guided me to the dance and began to waltz with me.

"it truly is an honour to dance with you, Princess."

"honestly, drop the formality. Its y/n. Besides, I'm no princess." He spun me around and continued the dance. "you have so much potential, you seem to be the best in the bunch. Remember this, however." Xylan stared directly at ne, absorbing each word. "do not hurt a prisoner. It makes you corrupt." He nodded his head. "I understand, y/n." His helmet was off, as usual for a trainee. The crest of the royal family was emblazoned on his chainmail.

"excuse me Xylan, mind if I take this dance." A suave voice asked. Dylan stood to attention. Link waved him to ease and he returned to his haggling comrades, more like schoolgirls that warriors.

Link gently lifted my hands and began to dance with me. "you look beautiful." He began. "im surprised you didn't enter the contest."


"yes, the contest for the beauty of the last year. You'd win, hands down." He tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. "thank you Link, but I've never enjoyed those things. Im not used to this many people. I grew up at a spring with just my brother." I looked away. "can I tell you a secret?" I nodded slowly. "I was raised by a magical tree in the lost woods."

"oh! The deku tree, I heard of that. Is that how you know the kokiri?"

"yep!" he popped the p and spun me around as the dance ended.

He bowed and I curtsied. As he walked off to the bar, I watched him from the sidelines. That boy, that hero, gave me so much, when he had so little.

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