[3]: Logan

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Logan Atwood portrayed by the iconic Cameron Diaz.

Logan Atwood portrayed by the iconic Cameron Diaz

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"Olivia?" I heard a voice call entering the door.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" She quickly got up to meet her mom at the door after we rushed our clothes back on. I was casually sitting on the couch as if we were still doing homework.

"I got off early!" Olivia's mom said, hugging and kissing Olivia on her forehead. Her mom had been on a long business trip across the country but her father was still away on his.

"Charlotte!" She rushed to come and hug me. I braced myself for the incoming bear hug. She practically cut off my circulation as she squeezed me like I was a teddy bear.

"Nice to see you, Mrs.- I mean Logan," I corrected. Olivia's mother preferred to be called by her name because she said I made her feel old. She was beautiful for her age, so I guess she wanted a name to match her deceiving youth.

"So what have you guys been up to?" She asked smiling.

Just making out, if that's okay with you, I thought.

"Oh-j-just some h-homework. But I w-was just making my way home," I lied.

"No, no, stay for dinner. Don't let me ruin the party," she laughed.

"I'd love to stay, but my mom is making meatloaf," I said hungrily, rubbing my stomach. Of course I was lying, my mother was capable of burning water let alone cook a nice meal.

"Okay, but if you change your mind you know where we are," Logan said winking.

"See you tomorrow, O," I said, quickly excusing myself from the household.

I managed to get home before staying in their house any longer. I considered Logan as my second mom so I don't think she'd approve of Olivia and I's behavior.

Before I crossed the street, I found myself bumping into a hard figure. Standing there was a clueless Brett.

"Hey," he said.

"Oh, hey." What was he doing on Olivia's street? "So, what brings you here?"

We were on a sidewalk so I suppose that wasn't the best question to ask.

"Just jogging," he said, his head lowering. Jogging? He couldn't think I was that naive, could he?

"Oh. Well, I gotta go," I said, my feet slowly making their way away from Brett.

"Charlotte, wait. About the date," he began. "How's tomorrow night?"

I couldn't bear to say no. He brought a smile on my face and I nodded.

"See you tomorrow, Brett," I said, making my way across the street. I glanced back once to see Brett 'jogging' but he was already gone. I guess he really was.

This was more of a filler chapter but the next will be longer. Sorry it's not very great :P

 Sorry it's not very great :P

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