[16]: Off-Brand Breakfast Club

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Olivia, Charlotte, Brett, Jayden, Harmony.

Olivia, Charlotte, Brett, Jayden, Harmony

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It's been three weeks since my birthday. Brett and I have been dating for almost a month. Olivia— well let's just say I've been keeping her company. She's officially done with Chase to my surprise. I would've expected them to get back together at least a week later.

As expected, I finally got a birthday card in the mail from my father a few days after my birthday. "Happy 16th Birthday!" But I'm 17. Hopefully he doesn't think an expensive car makes up for the lost time.

It's the day before Winter Break, thank God. I needed this break more than anything. I needed the time to think.

"I don't want to go!" Olivia groaned.

Just like usual, we were back to being two peas in a pod.

"It's only one more day, Olivia. We can totally do this," I assured her. "Besides, I'll drive."

No credit to my father, this car was the best gift I'd ever had.

"Fine," She mumbled, tumbling out of my bed and into the bathroom. "How about we save some water and take one shower?" She grinned. She began to strip off her clothes and waved for me to join her.

"Haha, I don't think so," I laughed. "I don't think Brett would like that."

"Brett, Brett, Brett. He's all you ever talk about," She groaned.

"Well, he is my boyfriend."

"But does he make you happy like I do?" She grinned, making her way over to me.

I was sitting on the bed, waiting for her to finish her shower, until she came behind me.

"Does he... kiss you like this," She said, moving my hair to one side of my neck as she began planting slow kisses on it. I was enjoying it.

"You know we're not at that stage yet," I said laughing.

Suddenly, she pushed me down on the bed and climbed on my stomach.

"We have to get ready," I panted, taking in what she was doing to my body.

She only had a towel on, which she now began to remove. Every inch of her body was perfect, and she knew what it did to me. As I examined her body, she moved in for a kiss.

"Boyfriend!" I shouted, now pushing her off of me.

"You're no fun, Russo," She pouted.

"Just go take a shower! I'll take one downstairs," I said. I could feel how heated the room was.

Ever since my birthday, I tried to set some boundaries between me and Olivia. Obviously she hated the idea of not having her sex buddy anymore. But I was with Brett, and being with her still felt like I was cheating somehow.

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