[35]: It's Raining Women

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new character unlocked: Dannie Guevara. Casted by the lovely Alexa Demie <3
surprise!! A new chapter that didn't take months to update 😩

hope you guys enjoy the chapter!🥰 I figured I'd spice things up 😏
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don't forget to v o t e ! it takes 0.00001 seconds :)

With Olivia still on bed rest, I decided to take a ride from Henry to school

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With Olivia still on bed rest, I decided to take a ride from Henry to school. Of course I had a perfectly new car capable of taking me, but I enjoyed the company. At least I thought I would.

"What have I told you about eating in the Batmobile, Russo," Henry said angrily, dusting off a few crumbs I had dropped.

"You say Russo like we don't share the last name," I said, finishing the last of the bagel I grabbed before we left. "Besides, didn't you offer to drive me?"

"I only offered you a ride because I knew you'd be lonely," He said, still dusting off crumbs. "And as for the last name, you're adopted. Sorry to be the one to break it to you."

I ignored his snarky comment. Now he was just being dramatic. There was no way a bagel made that many crumbs.

"Now, get in the back," He said, as we pulled up to Jayden's house.

"Anything for you, princess," I said sarcastically, jumping to the back seat.

"You could've gotten out like a normal person," He said.

"Climbing was quicker," I shrugged.

"So everyone's car is suddenly immobile?" Henry asked as Jayden finally reached the car, throwing his backpack in before opening the door.

"Sorry man, my dad let my little sister use my car for driving lessons. Let's just say she won't be getting her license anytime soon," Jayden added.

"Oh, Harmony needs a ride too!" I said, after reading the texts she sent me. You'd think she'd get a clue after I didn't answer the first seventeen.

"Why not, apparently I'm a bus driver today," Henry said rolling his eyes. He wasn't exactly a morning person. He always had the worst attitudes, but they usually went away by the afternoon.

After picking up Harmony, we finally managed to get to school on time. Without Brett and Olivia, there was more room than usual.

"So when's your girlfriend coming back to school?" Harmony asked, obviously directing the comment towards me.

"Shouldn't you know the answer to that question, Harmony? I thought she was your best friend."

"Whatever, just answer the question."

"Wednesday," I said, rolling my eyes. It was only Monday, and I knew these next two days would feel longer than when I waited for her to come out of the damn coma.

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