[4]: Lost Puppy

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"Char! Get down here!" I heard my mom shout

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"Char! Get down here!" I heard my mom shout. I knew how this would play out, so I headed downstairs rather than continuing a cycle of "what'd you say.'

As I finally got down the stairs, I headed into the kitchen where my mother was seen talking to a familiar face. Shit.

"Brett, what are you doing here?" I asked. I was dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, and this wasn't the first time he found me looking like a complete slob.

"Oh, I should've called. I texted you last night about today," he said shyly. The date! I had completely forgot I agreed to go out with Brett.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I totally lost track of time," I lied. It's not that I lost track of time, Brett just wasn't on my list of priorities.

"Maybe we can reschedule?" I asked.

"Oh, don't be silly. He came all this way dressed nicely, so you're gonna give him a date," My mom said. "Now go get dressed."

"Uh, mom? Can I talk to you in the living room for a second?" I asked, pulling my mother away from a mesmerizing Brett.

"Mom! I totally don't have time for this," I said whispering, but loudly.

"Charlotte Russo, you will go on this date with the nice boy patiently waiting for you. No arguing, go get dressed and please fix your hair. It looks like a bird's nest," she said, patting my hair and heading back to the kitchen to give Brett some company.

Just as I headed up to get ready, the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" I shouted, sprinting to the door, but somehow my mom still beat me.

"Hi, Mrs. Russo. Is Charlotte here?" Olivia asked, inviting herself in.

"She's upstairs," My mom said. "She's going on a date," she said excitingly, whispering over to Olivia like a kindergartner.

"Right here, mom," I said from afar.

"Liv, why don't you go help her get ready," my mom said, pushing Olivia towards me to go upstairs. "Lord knows she needs it."

Olivia followed behind me up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind her.

"So, what are we doing today partner in crime?" Olivia asked, plopping down on my bed and grabbing a magazine from my nightstand.

"Didn't you hear my mother O? I'm going on a date," I said fancily.

"A date?" Her eyebrow raised over the magazine as she put it down. "With who?"

"Brett Daniels," I said, not making eye contact.

"Brett Daniels! That's some boy candy you got there Russo," Olivia laughed.

"He's actually really sweet, O. And to be honest, he's cute in a nerdy sort of way," I defended Brett, now shuffling through my closet.

"You could have any guy you wanted and you choose Brett Daniels?" Olivia asked.

"Liv, I'm not like you. I can't get a guy that easily. And besides, Brett asked me out so there's no harm in saying no," I said.

"Are you kidding? You're perfect Char! I mean, perfect hair, perfect face, perfect personality, perfect ass!" Olivia shouted laughing.

"Thanks O, but I think I'll just stick with Brett for now," I said laughing.

"How's this?" I asked, pulling out a nice yellow dress my Grandma had bought me.

"Are you kidding? Are you going on a date or to have tea?" Olivia laughed. "Here." She headed over to the closet, tearing apart my closet and drawers looking for the perfect outfit. When she was finally done, she handed me a spaghetti strap top and a nice pair of jeans to try on.

"You're a lifesaver," I said, taking the outfit and throwing it on. We ended up spending about thirty more minutes doing my hair and makeup.

"You coming?" I asked, grabbing my bag ready to leave my room.

"No, I'll stay up here," she said, her nose back into a fashion magazine.

I simply nodded and headed down the stairs to a patient Brett who was waiting at the bottom prom style.

"Wow. You look beautiful," he said, his eyes admiring me.

"Thanks, you too," I said. "I mean, you're not beautiful. I mean you are but-," he interrupted me.

"I know what you mean," he laughed. "Thanks."

"Off we go?" He asked, opening the front door and leading me out to his car, opening those doors too.

He was such a gentleman. He was almost perfect and seemed like my soul mate, but I wasn't his. I didn't deserve Brett, especially since I was unclear of my true feelings. He didn't deserve to be with me, especially since I was such a lost puppy. He didn't deserve to be lied to and lead on, but that's exactly what he got.

So sorry I haven't updated lately, here's a new chapter! :)

So sorry I haven't updated lately, here's a new chapter! :)

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