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I got up from bed and I went to the bathroom and I had a shower and I got out and I washed my face. I went back to my room and I walked into my walk in closet and I tried to find out what I want to wear. I finally decided on a cute blue top and Jeans. I got my makeup on. Just then I heard Jenna crying so I got up and I went to her nursery. Her nursery is right beside my room. So I walked in and she was just crying and crying, so I picked her up while supporting her neck. I changed her diaper. I went downstairs and I warmed her bottle up and I sat down on the couch and I got a pillow and I started to fed her and it took a couple of tries but I fed her
***25 minutes later***
I put the bottle away and I went upstairs and I changed Jenna's diaper and I got her dressed in a cute pink outfit. I got a diaper bag and I put in about 8 diapers and few extra clothes and I put in her medical papers and her health card. I went downstairs and got some bottles and then Jane came and I put Jenna in the car and I put her diaper bag in the back seat and I got  in the passenger seat and we drove to the paediatrician office. As we were driving I am worried about Jenna, I hope that she i- my thoughts were stopped by Jane saying
"Kate!? We are at the paediatrician".
"Ok". I got out of my van and I opened the van and I put Jenna in a baby carrier and I got her diaper bag. We walked into the paediatrician's office, I signed in and I sat down and we waited. Paediatrician
***10 mins later***
"Jenna Rose?" I looked up and I saw a lady holding a clipboard and I said
"The doctor will see you now"
"Ok" I followed the lady into a room with a bed and a desk and a bookshelf with chairs and toys. Jane and I sat down and then a lady came in and I got up and I said
"Hi my name is Kate and this is Jenna and I am her mother"
"Hi I am DR.Barker."
"Nice to meet you"
"Ok Kate can you put Jenna on the bed." I picked up Jenna out of her carrier and put her on the bed. The doctor said
"I understand that you are concerned about fetal alcohol effect. Did you drink during pregnancy?" I just to cry and I said
"Yes I did not knowing what I am doing to my baby, I had a very stressful time"
"I am sorry for that but now it is about Jenna now. Do you  have a alcohol problem? Um Kate I do have to know if you have a problem with alcohol, do you?"
"I have not had a drink since Jenna was born and I don't plan to anymore." Tried well up in her eyes
"Jenna means the world to me, I am so scared of what I may have done."
"I am going to examine Jenna. Jenna is still young so you won't be able to get the full diagnosis". The doctor said
"Ok I am going to examine Jenna's face."
"Jenna has quite the distance between her eyes and she has a thin upper lip."
"Kate there are things that I can do but then there is other things that I can't do because Jenna is too young but I will keep a close eye on Jenna"
"Kate what have you noticed about Jenna?"
"Um I have noticed that Jenna had a hard time feeding and latching on to the nipple of the bottle" Jane said
"Doctor I have also noticed that Jenna is not gaining weight like she should."
I said
"Doctor Jenna is also easily upset by noises and she pukes up a lot,"
Jane said
"Also when Jenna tries to open her eyes she blinks."
"Oh ok is Jenna pulling her head like she should?"
"No she is not"
"Ok next I am going to see her head circumference". The doctor did what she said and she said
"She is smaller then most at her size and age. I think that Jenna possible might have fetal alcohol effects but I will keep a close eye on Jenna."
"In three months I will see her"
"Ok thanks so much". I put Jenna in the car and as we were driving home I was thinking about what The doctor said.
A/N:Hey guys I hope u like this chapter because I had fun writing this chapter. How was the length of this chapter I got to 824 Words. I think this is a record. I will update ASAP byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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