Please read!!! Have to

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Guys I just want to say that I might not be able to update as often as I did before because I have the science fair coming up and I need to work on it. So I really hope that you understand. I love writing this book. But I also really love the science fair. But I will try to update this book at least once a week. But I am not making an promises. Ok?😜. The next chapter is going to shock you. Just a reminder:
I really do appreciate each and every one of my readers. I just want to say that I would like some feedback about my book but please only constructive criticism. If you hate this book, that is fine but hate in your head and not in the comment section. But I can't
stress enough about not leaving hate comments in the comments section. Like
"You write like a f****** 7 year old"
"This book is bad just like you."
"You are a b****" Etc
I am going to say this again, if you hate this book, that is fine but hate in your head and not in the comment section. But please don't leave hate comments in the comment section. But I can't stress enough about not leaving hate comments in the comment section like:
"You write like a f****** 7 year old"
"This book is bad just like you"
"You are a b****" Etc.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is always APPRECIATED. Ok? I will not put up with haters. I would like for you guys to comment about what I am doing wrong and what I can do to make this book better. Please and please vote. Also I am in the process of editing, 16 and pregnant. I am also in the process of editing this book. So I am sorry for any spelling mistakes. I just want to say one more thing, I would really appreciate if you could comment if you like this book. I love when I see the number of reads go up. It makes my day, It really does. Ok so I will try and update as soon as possible ok? But I am not making any promises. Ok? Guys thanks so much for reading, and stay tuned for the next update and have a good day/Night. If you guys need someone to talk to just pm me. Ok? Stay strong. Ok? Love you guys💖💖👀👀😂😊😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜💖😜💖😜👀😜😜👀🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓
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