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I f****** hate Sybil!!! She is such a b****!!! God!!! Just then Daniel came in and he looked at me and he said
"Babe what is wrong!?"
"Your mom is continuing to blame to blame me for Jenna's problems and then she wanted to come to the paediatrician appointment!!! But I didn't allow her to come!!!"
"Kate!!! You are being such a b****."
"I am not being a b****!!!!!! F*** you" I yelled at him
"Look at you!!!!" He pointed his finger at me. He is being such a b****!!!! God!!!!
"Don't point your finger at me b****!!!! You are such a b****!!!! Mother f***** a**hole!!!!!!!!!"
"Kate you ar-"
"That is it. I am so f****** done with this s***!!!! So go f*** yourself!!! You mother f*****!!!!!! God you are a mother f***** a**hole. B**** f*****!!!!! I am f****** done with this f****** s***. So go and f*** yourself. You are a f****** b****. God b****. Guess what you and your f****** mother are mother f******!!! So go f*** yourself!!!!!" I got up and I walked up to my room and I was so pissed at Daniel!!! Just then I was thinking about my life and I think that I might be pregnant!!!!! I have missed my period. I got Jenna ready and I got my purse and I went downstairs and I was about to leave the house when Daniel  said
""Honey get over here and what are you doing?" He is such a a** h***
"I am f****** getting out of the house. I am f****** done with this f****** s***. So go and f*** yourself. You are a f****** b****. God you are such a f****** b****." I put Jenna in her car seat and I drove to my mom's house and while I was driving. I was thinking about Sybil and she is going to pay for what she said. How dare she say that Jenna's problem are my f****** fault!!!! She is such a b****!!!! God!!! Normally a 17 year old teen would be worrying about school and how to know if a guy is a player or not. They would be worrying about applying for collage. Moving out of hers parent's house. But no this is me at 17, me Kate Rose got herself pregnant at 16 and then now me Kate Rose is a mother to a 9 month old baby girl. I never imagined that my life would turn out like this. I would've liked if I was like this when I was like 23,24,25, somewhere like that. But no I am a mother at 17. Yeah I know congratulations to me!' Yeah! I pulled into my mom's driveway and I parked and I got my purse and I got Jenna out the car and I put her in her carrier. I got her diaper bag. I took a deep breath and I knock on the door which was glass and then I waited there for a few minutes and there was no answer. I though to myself
"That is odd. Mom always answers her door."
I tried to open the door but it was locked. I looked under their mat by their door, which had the words
"Welcome. May god bless you always. 👼"
I saw an spare key and I tried open the door and it worked. I picked up Jenna and I walked in and I looked around and all of my old but still wonderful memories came back to me. I looked at the kitchen and it was painted yellow. I remember that mom and I and dad always hated the yellow paint. Then I looked at the counters and all of my learning to bake memories. I just smiled and I started to cry. I love my house. There are so many memories here. I went upstairs and I yelled
"Mom!? Are you home!?"
"Who is here?" I heard a voice and then I heard a door open and close and then I said
"Mom!? Is that you? It is Kate!" Then mom came out of her room and she came over to me and she hugged me and she said
"How are you?" She asked while pushing her blonde hair out of her face.
"Good. Did you know that the door was locked?" She looked at me like she confused
"No. Then how did you get in?" She asked I held up the spare key while saying
"Spare key under the welcome mat."
"Oh ok. Let's go downstairs and talk." We went downstairs and we were in the living room and we just talked for a while and then I went back to Daniel and I apartment. I took a deep breath and I walked in and said
"Daniel!?" He came to me and he sat down on our sofa and I had Jenna in my arms and  I was feeding her. He said
"Ok babe what do you want!?" God he always does this!! God he fights with me and then he babes me.
"Ok DON'T BABE ME" I yelled in his face.
"Ok?" He said
"I want to talk to you." I was beyond pissed with him.
"Well I just want to say that your mom keeps on being so mean to me when you are not around."
"Ok babe. I think that you are just overreacting. Bu-" I cut him off by saying
"Don't f****** babe me!! How dare are you say that!? You are obviously so f****** dumb to see this!!? God!!"
"Kate calm down" he is such a b****!!! God!!!!!!
"No I will not calm down!!!
"You are just being so overdramatizing!!!" How dare he say that!?
"I am not being overdramatizing! How are you say that!?"
"You are just being an overdramatizing b****" oh he is going to get it!!! I got up and I put Jenna down for a nap and I got up right close to him and I....
A/N: Oh my god this is heated chapter😲😮😵😵 ok sorry for short chapter and sorry for the cliffhanger but I wanted to update. I will try to update more often and I will try to update on tomorrow but I am not making any promises and I hope you understand. I hope you like this chapter because I had fun writing it. Show me some love by voting and leaving a comment. Please comment your thoughts and comments can be your thoughts and constructive criticism only please. If you hate this book by all means please do so but only hate in your head, NOT IN THE COMMENT SECTION!!!!! I am going to say this AGAIN! IF YOU HATE THIS BOOK BY ALL MEANS IS PLEASE HATE BUT HATE IN YOUR HEAD AND NOT IN THE COMMENT SECTION!!!! I will not put up with haters. Please. Ok 👌? Do we have an understanding about this matter? Yes ok great if you need further information or explanation. Please say so in the comments section and please make your comments nice. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is always appreciated. Ok 👌? Ok now I will try and update tomorrow. I will try and write another chapter and update tomorrow. Of course if tomorrow is not a snow day. Ok 👌? Ok guys thanks 🙏 for all of the support and have a good day/Night. 💖

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