Shopping and talking.

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****The next day in the store****
I was shopping with Sybil. We are just going to the mall for a girls day out. We are in the city and we were in the baby section of the store. She said
"Kate I think that I know why Jenna is not meting her milestone.
"What? Why?"I asked her
"Because you drank during pregnancy and do you even know what drinking can do to an unborn baby?"
"No, but how am I supposed to know?"
"I think that it is all your fault" I got so mad when she said that so I said
"So your blaming me for everything?" I asked 
"Yes because you were the one carrying the baby in your stomach." She said
"Yes but it was a very stressful time when I was pregnant. In fact my dad was in the hospital and I was stressed out with Daniel and I, we were going back and forward. Then my mom and I got into a car accident and she was in the hospital. So it was very stressful time. I couldn't help it."
"I am sorry about that but you could've killed your baby" she stated
"I know but how why I suppose to know? You know what let's go home."
We payed for our stuff and we drove home. When I got home I had Jenna in my arms. I said
"Yes?" He asked
"Um your mother was accusing me of doing this to Jenna. She blamed me for all of Jenna's problems."
"Oh Kate she is like that she just says stuff."
"Babe but she told me that I should've known to not drink while pregnant."
"It is ok. It is not all of your fault it is my fault too."
"Ok can you talk to her please?" I asked
"Sure I will"
****Daniel's P.O.V****
I went to talk tonmom and I said
"Mom? Can I talk to you?"
"Yes Daniel"
"When you were shopping with Kate why did you accuse Kate for all of Jenna's problems?"
"I didn't. She is just trying to get you on her side." I couldn't believe mom so I got mad and I said
"She was really sad."
"Oh Daniel she is fine"
"But mom I- I got cut off by mom saying
"I have to go"
I couldn't let this happen.
****Kate's P.O.V****
I hope that Daniel can get to the bottom of this. I don't want to have a bad relationship with my mother in law. I love Jenna but I am starting to get so worried about her.
A/N:OMG this is a heated chapter!😵😲😬 ok 👌 hey guys sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to update and I will try to update everyday Monday to Friday. But I am not making any promises and I hope u like this chapter because I had fun writing it and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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