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I was in the playroom and I had Jenna on the floor and I was doing the exercises that the doctor wanted me to do. I have noticed that Jenna is not making noises like she should. I thought that I should call nurse Jane. But it was like 6:00 and it is Jenna's bedtime. So I fed her and I changed her diaper and I got her in her pjs. I put her to bed. I got some food and I went to bed.
****The next day****
I was woken up by Jenna. I got and I got dressed and I got Jenna and I fed her and I changed her diaper. She was still crying so I went downstairs and I was on the couch and I looked in her ear and she had another ear infection. So I wiped the green stuff out, then I gave her some penicillin. Then she stopped crying. So I swaddled her. Then the phone rang. So I picked up the phone and said
"Hi is this Daniel woods?" A man's voice asked me that. I continued to try and swaddle Jenna.
"No this is Kate his girlfriend. Can I help you?" I asked
"Um can I talk to Daniel?" He asked
"Um sure just one moment please."
I got up and I went into Daniel's room and I said
"Daniel? Daniel?" He rolled over and said
"What is it Kate?" He asked while trying to open his eyes.
"Um well someone is on the phone and they are asking for you." He opened his eyes and he sat up.
I handed him the phone. After a couple minutes he got off of the phone. I said
"So who was that?"
"Um that was my boss and I have to go to work today it is an emergency." He got up and he was about to get dressed.
"Oh how long are you going for?" I asked
"I will be home around dinner time."
He got dressed and I got him a lunch. He came downstairs. I put Jenna down in her playpen. I was in his arms. I said
"Daniel when are you not going to be working on the weekend?" I was just in his arms.
"Um I don't know but I love you so much." I loved when he spun me around and we kissed. I love when he does that. We just were hugging and kissing. Then after a while he said
"Ok Kate I have to go." He spun me around and he kissed me and hugged me and he said goodbye to Jenna and he came back to me and he hugged me and he kissed me. Then he said
"Ok Kate I love you so much."  He kissed me on the lips for the last time. I picked up Jenna again and I was just playing with her. I love her but I am still so worried. I think that I am going to call nurse Jane and I gong to have her come over. She coma over and she said
"Um Kate it is ok. I know that you are worried but it is ok. I have to go." She went off and I was playing with Jenna and I am just thinking and I should've got my period by now. I thought that I might be pregnant!

A/N: Hey guys how do you like this chapter?🤔Tell me in the comments section and I hope you like it. Sorry for short chapter and sorry for the cliffhanger but I wanted to update. I will try to update more often and I will try to update on Monday.But I am not making any promises and I hope you understand. I hope you like this chapter because I had fun writing it. Show me some love by voting and leaving a comment. Please comment your thoughts and comments can be your thoughts and constructive criticism only please. If you hate this book by all means please do so but only hate in your head, NOT IN THE COMMENT SECTION!!!!! I am going to say this AGAIN! IF YOU HATE THIS BOOK BY ALL MEANS IS PLEASE HATE BUT HATE IN YOUR HEAD AND NOT IN THE COMMENT SECTION!!!!  I will not put up with haters. Please. Ok 👌? Do we have an understanding about this matter? Yes ok great if you need further information or explanation. Please say so in the comments section and please make your comments nice. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Ok 👌? Ok now I will try and update on Monday. But I will try and write another chapter and update Monday Of course if Monday is not a snow day. Ok 👌? Ok guys thanks 🙏 for all of the support and have a good day/Night. 💖

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