Chapter Two

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Copper woke up with a yawn. Spring was just turning to summer, and a warm breeze wafted across her face. The sun peeked timidly over the horizon. Soft waves lapped against the shore of Apple Rock. All was calm. All was peacefu-

"AH!" Copper shouted, jumping up and shaking salty water out of her hair. She glared up at the apple tree above her, where a sandy-haired boy sat, grinning wickedly. "What was that for, Pineapple?!"

"What, did you expect me to just let you sleep?" Pineapple asked, hopping down and joining Copper on the rocks below, where he watched her wring out her white hair.

Copper wasn't sure why she had white hair. It just... was. The first time she realized it was different was when Pineapple told her so upon his arrival. Needless to say, he took every available opportunity to tease her about it.

Copper hopped across the glistening black rocks and into the cave, where she wasted no time in building a fire and cooking up some apple pancakes. (The various ingredients were mysteriously restocked every Wednesday evening. Copper had tried watching the stockpiles to catch who was doing it, but they never appeared, and she ended up having to ration her dwindling supplies for the rest of the week.)

"Whar yooin tay?" Pineapple asked through a mouthful of food. Copper gave him a disapproving glare. He swallowed and tried again. "What are you doing today?"

Copper rolled her eyes. "I don't know. Probably playing violin. It's not like anything ever happens on this stupid rock."

Pineapple sighed. "Trust me. This rock is way better than the rest of the world."

Copper stared at him. This was the first time he'd ever revealed anything about his past to her. "What do you mean?" she replied cautiously.

"...Nothing..." Pineapple answered warily. "I think I'll just go... uh..."


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