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Percy's Point of view

I walk hurriedly through the streets of New Rome, heading for Annabeth's apartment. Before we came here I had asked her about moving in together but she had said that she wasn't ready for that.  I passed a park where I saw several children playing. a few years ago, I would never have believed that demigods could live past their teens much less live long enough to have a family, once I learned of New Rome though I couldn't help but hope that maybe I could have a future with Annabeth.

When we first came here it felt as though that dream might become reality, I thought that our relationship was as strong as ever, but I think I was just fooling myself because I had soon come to realize that Annabeth seemed to be drifting away from me. We started our courses at the university and spent time together in the evenings. I know that I love Annabeth more than anything, but I have come to realize that she has seemed a bit distant.

  Our kisses don't feel the same, we aren't seeing each other as often, I'm debating whether to say something to her about it. I know I love her, but I no longer know if she feels the same way. I'd like to think that her feelings haven't changed but there's too much evidence suggesting otherwise.

When I reached her apartment, I knocked on the door and she let me in, as we talked I couldn't help but debate whether to say something about her distance, but it appeared that I wouldn't have to since she eventually said, "Percy I'm sorry but I can't keep pretending anymore, a while ago I realized that I don't feel the same way about you as I know you do me."

"So, you don't love me anymore?" I asked, hurt.

She replied,"No, I'm sorry, I thought I did but no."

"Why Annabeth? Why did you pretend? I knew something seemed off I just didn't want to admit it."I said hurt that she had let me think our relationship was fine for so long.

"I didn't want to hurt you, and I wasn't ready to explain why we had drifted apart."She answered.

"Annabeth, it would have hurt less if you had just come out with it instead of faking it. What changed your mind, and how long have you been faking it?" I asked.

She answered, "I realized the truth about how I felt about you shortly after we came here,"

I shouted, "Annabeth! That was months ago, how could you leave me hanging for that long, I knew something was off, but I was in denial."

She said,"Percy I'm sorry, but I wasn't ready to tell you the truth then, I couldn't bring myself to talk about it. I realized that I no longer saw you as more than a friend, think about it, we missed so much time together because of Hera or I might have realized it sooner. I've known for a while now that I'm bisexual, and I was happy with you for a while but I realised  that now I like someone else."

I looked at her completely shocked, I was hurt that she'd faked it for so long letting me believe that she felt the same way I did when she, no longer felt the same way about me. I finally said, "Annabeth I understand that this wouldn't have been easy for you to talk about but couldn't you have at least told me that your feelings had changed, it's not like you had to tell the whole camp, I wouldn't have told anyone anything other than the fact that you ended things."

That night before I left her apartment I made sure that she understood that I wasn't judging her because of her sexuality, I told her that I was just hurt that she hadn't admitted it to me sooner, it's not like I was going to shout it out to the whole camp. It hurt to learn that my feelings hadn't really been returned for a while now but due to my loyalty I didn't judge Annabeth and tried to let her go.

I stayed at camp Jupiter and finished that semester, but I found that I couldn't stay there or return to camp half blood because both camps held too many memories for me now. I decided that I would leave, say goodbye to frank, Hazel, Reyna, and the rest of my Roman friends, I would Iris message my Greek friends and my mother, I needed some time alone to accept what had happened. 

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