Going Home

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Percy's point of view

I sat contemplating whether I would visit my mom, Paul, and little sister or not. On one hand, I wanted to protect them, and if Lycaon tracked me down while I was there that could end badly, but on the other hand I did want to see them again even though I was a bit worried about how my mom and Paul would take the news of me being a werewolf.

After debating for a while, I eventually caved and decided to visit them. Even though I had been avoiding even going to New York I knew that I couldn't avoid it forever I know that they worry about me I kind of feel bad about that but since I'd been a demigod my whole life up until now, they had reason to be worried since monsters came after me a lot due to the fact that I am a child of one of the big three.

Now though I guessed that monsters probably won't bother me anymore other than Lycaon. Despite that I am going to keep Riptide, it's the only sword I ever used and who knows I might still have to kill monsters at some point if I find one trying to hurt a demigod and considering the fact that monsters are always trying to attack demigods I most likely will.

I knew that I would just stay in New York long enough to visit my mom and Paul, and little sister Ashley. I wasn't ready to go anywhere near camp, for that matter I might not even be able to get into camp half blood anymore without permission. After all, the border keeps out monsters and mortals, and now I technically am a monster. I wasn't too concerned about not being able to get into camp, after all, I'm in no hurry to go back there.

I figured I could still get into camp Jupiter if I wanted since the only security it has is campers guarding the tunnel and Terminus. That didn't really matter at the moment though since just like camp half blood, it would be a while before I would go back there. I headed to the apartment that I used to call home, and when I got there I knocked on the door. Paul opened it and in surprise said, "Percy,"

At the sight of my stepdad, a slight smile formed on my face and I replied, "Hey Paul,"

I was also pretty sure that he quickly looked me over and I guessed that he noticed at least some of the differences in my appearance. We didn't say anything else before heading into the apartment. Once we were inside my mom quickly walked over and hugged me, I hugged her back, and I was pretty sure that she noticed the changes in my appearance as well.

Once we were all sitting in the living room my mom asked the question that I had been expecting to hear. She said, "Percy, you've only contacted us once since you left camp Jupiter, are you alright? Are you planning to stay?"

Well technically that was two questions, but I answered them both nonetheless.

I replied, "yeah I'm okay,"

maybe that wasn't exactly the truth since I wasn't over Annabeth, and now I was coming to terms with the fact that I was a werewolf but I don't want my mom to worry about me too much and I wasn't planning on telling them about me being a werewolf unless they asked about why I looked different. In response to her second Question, I said, "No I'm not staying, I'm sorry Mom but if I did I'd just be putting you in danger and I don't want to do that. You'll be safer without me here, I can't lose you, any of you."

After I finished Mom asked, "are you going back to camp then?"

I answered, "No I'm not over Annabeth yet I only came to New York to visit you."

That was when Ashley, my little half-sister, decided to add her voice to the conversation since we heard her start crying in one of the other rooms. Mom went to check on her and after she had gotten her calmed down she brought her when she came back to finish the conversation. After she returned, Paul was the next one to speak, his question was one that I had kind of suspected I would hear but I also kind of hoped that I wouldn't hear it. He asked why I looked different. Unsure of how they would take the news I explained that I was a werewolf now and that was why my appearance was different. That revelation resulted in a whole new batch of questions, especially from Paul since he couldn't help but wonder how different the werewolves from Greek "mythology" were from how pop culture portrays them. Obviously, since I had only recently become one I hadn't figured out everything but I did my best to answer his and mom's questions.

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